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“Could you help me cut this?” She rolled an onion over to him in order to deflect his question. “You know the fumes always make me cry.”

“Sure,” Luke said, shooting her another strange look.

Ashanti ignored him, unnerved by his perception. He was right. Something had changed.

Last night, she’d decided to give up her crusade. For several reasons.

The first was that her plan wasn’t helping Luke anymore.

His parents were taking the news harder than she’d expected. Emotional tantrums and long, accusatory calls aside, the Zhangs were now threatening his livelihood.

If Luke lost his café because of her stubbornness, Ashanti would never forgive herself.

The second reason was because of her father. Or more specifically, her father’s belief that she had feelings for Luke.

She’d known Luke all her life. He was more of a family member than a prospective candidate for her heart. So the thought that she could be even remotely interested in him terrified her.

The last thing she wanted this project to do was unearth dormant feelings and wreck their friendship.

“Onions are done.” Luke slid the cutting board over to her and then leaned against the sink, his arms over his chest. When he spoke, his tone was casual, off-hand. “My cousins are meeting up tonight.”

“That’s nice,” Ashanti said absently. Luke had few friends growing up because his cousins had always filled that role. Even through adulthood, the cousins were still tight.

“Come with me.”

She froze. “What?”

“Not as my pretend girlfriend. Just as a… friend.”

“Why?” She faced him. “You’ve never invited me before.”

He shrugged. “I know.”


“After the way my parents behaved, I want you to see that not all of my family will hate you.” He coughed and quickly added. “Or someone like you.”

Ashanti shook her head. “No thanks.”

“You’re turning me down?”

“I know what you’re doing, Luke.” Ashanti gripped her spoon and stirred the eggs with more zeal. “You feel sorry for making me worry. You want to remind me that all the crap happening to you isn’t my fault.”

“So why would you reject that if you know?”


“Go on.”

She whirled on him. “Look, your uncle fired you from the café so you’re basically a bum. Your parents are beyond pissed off. And who knows what they’ll try next? I encouraged you to start this war.” She tapped her chest. “Now, I have to be the one to finish it.”

“That’s not true.” Luke slid to her other side so he could lock gazes with her. “You didn’t start this. I did.”

“You wouldn’t have thought of it if I hadn’t suggested it in the first place. I was only thinking of myself. Of the lessons I wanted to teach your family. It was selfish of me to ignore the toll it would take on you.”

He took the spoon out of her hand. “For now, don’t worry about anything else. Just come with me tonight. Okay?”

She chewed on her bottom lip, but slowly nodded.
