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Ashanti didn’t feel a drop of remorse. Luke’s cousins weren’t easily offended and they’d teased each other with far less restraint than that. As long as everyone was respectful and didn’t push their jokes too far, no topic was off limits. Not even race.

Harold swirled the amber liquid in his glass. “Man, you have no idea how I’ve missed this. Going out. Having fun. It’s like an old dream now. No one tells you what married life is really like.”

“Why don’t you enlighten us?” James leaned back.

Harold pushed out his cheeks so they doubled in size. “Forget having your own freedom. Your wife rules everything—money, time, privacy—nothing is yours anymore.”

Luke cringed. “You trying to scare us away from marriage?”

“Yes, Luke. That’s exactly it.”

“Ah, he’s just upset Lin caught him at the slot machines again,” Weng said.

“Is that right…?” Ashanti arched an eyebrow.

“I was seconds away from the biggest win of my life! Then my wife busts in. Grabs my ear. And drags me out of there like my mother reincarnated.” Harold squeezed his eyes shut. “Please, don’t remind me.”

“Sounds horrifying,” James mumbled.

“You’ll find out soon enough,” Weng said slyly, his eyes on his oldest cousin.

James ducked.

Luke froze with his mug halfway to his lips. “What does that mean?” When James didn’t respond, he turned to Weng. “You know something?”

“I heard he’s getting engaged soon.” Weng popped a dried squid into his mouth.


Harold’s expression crumpled. “Why would you do that, cuz?”

“Relax.” James reddened. “We’re just in the talking stages.”

“You have someone you like?” Michelle pounced on the topic. “That’s so romantic. How long have you two been talking?”

“I haven’t talked to her yet,” James said casually.

Michelle glanced from one man to the other. “I don’t… what does that mean? Like in person?”

“It means his marriage is arranged, Michelle. Get with the program,” Ashanti said.

Michelle’s expression turned pained. “Oh. How… lovely.”

“It might sound archaic, but it’s not,” James explained. “My parents know me best and I trust their vision, but I’m not marrying anyone just because they picked her out. I’ll meet her first. Decide if she’s someone that aligns with my own goals and then we can move on from there.”

“Let’s talk about something else.” Harold chuckled. “Luke’s friend looks like she’ll throw up any second.”

“I’m sorry. I’m just surprised,” Michelle stammered.

Luke stepped in to change the subject. “Weng, how’s school going?”

“Seriously? You couldn’t think of anything else to ask me?”

“Sorry.” Luke shrugged.

“I remember my days at junior college,” Ashanti said fondly. “I was a Lit and History major, so I had to memorize blocks of texts everyday.”

“That’s my own personal nightmare,” Harold shared. “I admire you guys. School was never my strength.”
