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While Ashanti waited, she wrung her hands together and tried not to throw up.

It was just Luke. Nothing to worry about.

Yeah, but now you know you kissed Luke. And you know that he knows about it too.

The door opened before her thoughts could get any more confusing. Surprise gleamed in Luke’s eyes when he saw her. His dark brows hiked to his hairline and his mouth curved downward.

“Luke!” she yelled, a little too loudly.

He winced. “Hey.”

Ashanti swallowed. Drew her gaze over his white T-shirt and comfortable jogging pants. His hair was messy, like he’d run his hands through it quite a bit. Was it out of frustration? Because of her?

“I’m sorry to barge in like this. I know it’s late and you’re probably pissed at me after this afternoon—”

“Ash, breathe.” Luke slipped his hands into his pockets. “Come in.”

Ashanti walked forward while Luke closed the door. His apartment was small and sparse, but clean. He had a television with a game system set up and shelves filled with video games. She could see the kitchen from here and saw something bubbling on the stove.

“Were you cooking?” she asked nervously.

“Yeah. Ramen. Want some?”

“Sure.” Ashanti followed him to the kitchen where he grabbed an extra pack of noodles and poured it into the bubbling water.

Their friendship had never been awkward, but now that she knew about the kiss…

“I’m sorry about the…” Ashanti blurted.

“I didn’t mean to…” Luke said at the same time.

Both friends stopped and chuckled.

Ashanti ducked her head. “You go first.”

“I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you. After my mom. I know how she gets. I’m her son and it can be a little overwhelming. I should have called you, made sure you were alright.”

“It’s okay. You didn’t know.”

“What are you sorry for?” Luke asked as he stirred the noodles.

Ashanti inhaled a deep breath. “For the kiss.”

The spoon dropped into the pot. Luke hissed and dove straight for it. The hot water soaked the tip of his middle finger and he yanked it out, flailing his hand like a fly swatter.

“Luke, are you okay!” Ashanti cried. “Quick, pour some cold water on it.”

Luke followed her to the sink where she dunked his hand under the faucet and let it pour. He squeezed his eyes shut in obvious pain.

Ashanti laughed at his expression. “You’re such a baby.”

“You stick your hand into a boiling pot of noodles and say that. I dare you.”

She was about to shoot back a challenge of her own when there was a knock on the door. Luke moved away from the sink as if he’d check it out himself. Ashanti placed a hand on his shoulder to keep him under the stream. “I’ll get it.”

Luke nodded, his dark eyes still cloudy with pain.

Ashanti padded to the front door and pulled on the handle. What she saw outside made her jaw drop to the floor.
