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With Michelle, he felt like he was looking into a mirror.

With Ashanti, the mirror was actually a window into another world.

They were complete opposites, which was probably why their friendship had lasted as long as it did. Ash barged into his world and took up space whether he liked it or not, and Luke had learned years ago that it was just better to leave her be than try to chase her out.

A relationship with Michelle would be easy.

A relationship with Ashanti… well, she’d basically told him there was no chance so why was he debating this again?

Luke groaned and slumped into the chair behind the café’s counter. The more he had to rationalize his feelings for Michelle, the more he wondered if his love for her had been infatuation all along.

Had he started a crusade, dragged Ashanti into a war zone and alienated his parents because of an infatuation? A relationship that would wear off after a few weeks?

The thought scared him to his bones, which was why Luke knew he wouldn’t give up on Michelle. Not until he was sure that there was no hope.

A tapping sound jerked his head up and commanded his attention. Luke startled when he saw Weng standing in front of him.

“Hey,” Luke said. “What are you doing here?”

“Uncle Eddie texted. He said he had salmon rolls left over and I could stop by for lunch.”

“Lunch?” Eddie’s voice boomed above the slap of the kitchen door. He appeared a second later, dressed in a variation of his usual plain T-shirt and khakis. “It’s after two in the afternoon. Don’t tell me you haven’t eaten since this morning.”

“No sir,” Weng said. “I haven’t eaten since last night. I skipped breakfast today.”

Eddie scowled and returned to the kitchen. “I’ll be right back.”

Weng climbed into the stool in front of Luke. His dark eyes stared intensely. “Dad said he and Yeye stopped by your apartment and met your girlfriend yesterday.”

“Did he?”

“Mom couldn’t stop gushing about her.”

“That’s nice.”

Weng eyed him. “Who were they talking about, Luke? Was it Michelle or Ashanti?”

“They didn’t remember her name?”

“Please tell me it was Michelle.”

Luke’s gaze floated to the counter. “It was Ashanti.”

Weng cursed. “What are you doing? I thought you were going to break up with Ashanti and introduce them to Michelle?”

“I will.”

“When? Mom’s already planning to ask Ashanti to model for our store. The longer you drag this out the more complicated it gets.”

“I’m aware of that, okay?” Luke snapped. “I was actually planning on talking to Michelle today.”

Weng brightened. “Really?”

Luke nodded though his stomach roiled. Why did I go and blurt that out for?

“Why don’t you go right now?”

