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“When I find her, I’ll give you an update.”

“Thanks, Luke.”

He hung up and turned to Michelle, his chest heaving. The classroom was beginning to fill with students, all who eyed him curiously.

Michelle saw his expression and flew over. “What’s wrong?”

“It’s Ashanti. Something happened to her.”

Michelle’s face tightened. “You were about to say something important.”

“I’m sorry, Michelle,” Luke said, already backing up toward the door. “I can’t.”


He ignored her and sprinted down the hallway. In his rush, Luke almost fell down the stairs. He corrected himself and sprinted straight through the gate, past the security guard, and onto the street.

Luke dove into his car and called Ashanti’s number. It went to voicemail. He drove like a maniac, keeping his finger locked on Ashanti’s speed dial and praying she picked up.

She didn’t.

He threw his car into a parking spot in front of the Madalon Building and dashed into the lobby. Luke didn’t so much as give the secretary a glance. He bypassed the man and shot straight into the elevator.

“Hey!” The receptionist sprung out of his seat. “You can’t go in there!”

The elevator doors closed on his protests. When it landed on the correct floor, Luke stumbled into the hallway where two security guards were waiting for him.

“Sir,” the taller, brawnier guard said, “you need to sign in downstairs.”

“Do I? I thought I could just walk in.” Luke raised his hands in surrender.

They eyed him suspiciously and slowly approached. When they were close, Luke body-slammed the skinnier officer. He flew against the wall.

Luke scrambled into the newspaper office. Everyone stopped and watched him as he burst in crying, “Ashanti! Where’s Ashanti?”

The security guards descended before anyone could answer. They each grabbed an arm and yanked him.

Luke struggled, but he was no match for them.

“Wait!” A feminine voice cut through the chaos. The security guards stopped as a small, Mayan woman trotted toward them.

“Tara,” Luke said.

She had a cell phone in one hand and keys in the other. “I know where Ashanti is.”

Luke brushed the security guards off and straightened, his eyes burning into hers. “Take me to her. Now.”

Chapter Twenty

“Sir, you can’t go back there!”

Ashanti heard a commotion in the distance. Her curiosity got the best of her and she pulled back the curtain shading her small cot in the corner of the emergency room.

Her gaze slammed into Luke’s. He looked frazzled, near crazed. His black hair lay in a mess on his forehead. His skinny arms swayed and then pumped by his side as he ran toward her.

Ashanti leaned back, bracing herself for impact. Luke managed to skid to a stop before he collided with her. His chest heaved and his black eyes gleamed with concern and… was that anger?

“What the hell, Ash?” he yelled, his voice breathy.
