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“That doesn’t seem like Ashanti,” Harold mused.

“I agree.” James tilted his head. “When she came out with us, she was always full of energy. The life of the party.”

“She got beat up by a drug dealer,” Luke said, feeling that familiar anger creep up on him as he said the words aloud. “So she wasn’t in the best shape.”

James leaned forward. “I feel like we’re missing something. Did Ashanti say anything weird that night or give you the impression she was unhappy?”

“No.” Luke shook his head. “The only thing…”

“What?” Harold hissed.

Dread washed over him. “She sniffed me.”

“Is that some weird thing you guys do?” James asked.

“Sounds hot.” Harold wiggled his eyebrows.

“No.” Luke waved his hands and moved to the edge of his seat. “She asked me if I’d gone to a bar. She smelled the alcohol on my shirt.”

“Were you drinking?”

“No. Michelle spilled it when she was trying to foist a drink on me. You don’t think Ashanti would have figured out everything from that?”

“They’re psychics, man.” Harold shook his head slowly.

“It could explain why she acted the way she did,” James said, a sympathetic look in his eye.

“Then why didn’t she talk to me?”

“Who knows?” James leaned back.

Harold blew out a breath. “You’ve barely dated a day and you’re already in the dog house, cuz. What are you going to do? Tell her the truth?”

If a simple conversation were enough to fix this, Luke wouldn’t be so worried. “I don’t know.”

James leaned over, intrigue in his eyes. “What I want to know is… do you have feelings for Michelle?”

“The things I liked about Michelle are still there, but I’m not interested in her. Not anymore.”

James groaned. “Please don’t tell Ashanti that first part. Ever.”

“I already did.”

Harold laughed. “Dude, you’re so screwed.”

“What? I was being honest. Michelle didn’t turn ugly over night. But I’m choosing Ashanti. That’s all that matters.”

“No, you idiot. It’s not.” James pointed to his beer and then to Harold’s. “That’s Ashanti and that’s Michelle. Ashanti wants to think she’s the only woman you love and no other woman exists. But Michelle…” He pushed Harold’s bottle closer, “is always creeping in the background.”

“That’s not true. I only looked out for Michelle last night because I felt responsible. It was a one-time thing. She knows I like Ashanti. ”

“Ashanti won’t see it that way. All she has are the facts. For example, you were into Michelle first.” James lifted one finger and counted. “You dated Michelle first. You wanted to introduce your parents to Michelle first.”

Luke emptied his bottle and reached for another one. “You’re right. I’m screwed.”

Harold and James silently agreed.

Suddenly, Luke jumped to his feet and screamed, “Damn it!”
