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James chased them out of his house. Luke only had time for a quick shower and an outfit change at his apartment before rushing to the café to meet Uncle Eddie.

Nerves did a number on him all day. He could barely concentrate on orders and giving back the correct change. Luke caught himself biting his nails several times—a habit he’d given up years ago.

The plan that had seemed like such a great idea last night, terrified him in the light of day. Sharing emotions and being affectionate were not high on his family’s list of priorities.

Yong Chung had never told Luke that he loved him and Luke didn’t expect to hear those words.

How was he supposed to say them to Ashanti?

After closing, Luke freshened up in the bathroom and pulled on a fancier shirt over his regular T-shirt. He half-hoped Ashanti didn’t show up, but the other, quieter part of him hoped she did.

Luke needed Ashanti in his life. Point blank. Period.

There was no way he was losing her and if he had to make a sappy speech to keep her in his life, then that’s just what he’d do.

Chapter Twenty-Four

Ashanti parked outside the café but made no moves to get out of the car. The street was dark, silent. The café’s shutters were pulled, which meant that Luke had forgotten he’d asked her to come or she was supposed to enter through the side door.

One minute passed.


“Are you going in or not?” she mumbled to the car.

Despite her question, Ashanti remained seated.

She almost hadn’t shown up tonight. She’d wrestled with her decision to give Luke one last chance all through getting ready, grabbing her keys, and driving down here.

Ashanti knew she was acting out of character. Running from her problems had never been her thing. But Luke was different. He wasn’t just some guy that she happened to find attractive and entertaining.

He was her friend.

Her closest friend.

Her best friend, though she didn’t like throwing that word around.

It sucked to be anyone’s consolation prize, but especially his. They had more to lose. The moment they made things official, they ran the risk of not working out, ruining their friendship.

It was a huge gamble and one she wasn’t sure Luke had considered.

If he had, maybe he wouldn’t have thrown around the ‘I like you’ phrase as easily, especially when he didn’t mean it. Especially when Michelle was still in his heart.

She shook her head. Ashanti had spent all of yesterday drowning her troubles in ice cream and old romantic comedies. Her hips certainly didn’t thank her for the mini-meltdown and the headache she’d had after thirty minutes of crying was a cruel reward.

She’d almost called her dad to talk, but decided not to. Her father always tried to ‘fix’ her problems and he’d just contact Luke on his own.

Ashanti didn’t want Luke to know how hurt she was.

Because then he would know how deeply she cared.

“Whatever.” She yanked her keys out of the ignition. “I’ll just see what he has to say and then wing it from there.”

Since the front was locked, she trudged to the side door and found that it was open. Curious, Ashanti pushed inside and paused in the kitchen so her eyes could adjust to the darkness.

Light from the café’s main room spilled onto her path, illuminating her way. Ashanti stepped cautiously past the ovens and metal shelves and into Luke’s coffee station where he made drinks.

The room was dark except for a large square of light reflected on the wall. Ashanti froze where she stood as music played and footage of her life with Luke played before her eyes.
