Page 108 of Be My Compass

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“How… cozy,” she mumbles.

“You can drop the act. There aren’t any cameras here.” I kick out of my shoes and leave them sloppily behind me. Sliding my purse off my shoulder, I toss it into a corner and cross the living room to sit in the couch.

I don’t invite Amelia to sit.

She doesn’t look like she’d want her precious body on my sofa anyway.

“You know what this is about.” Her brown eyes flash with irritation. “I figured we needed to discuss this matter like adults rather than let things get out of hand.”

“Were things out of hand? I was just getting started.” I lean back.

She laughs hollowly. Like every single villain in every single one of my Disney movies. “Making threats like that is very dangerous, Kaelyn. Especially when I’m in control of the one thing you love the most.”



I grit my teeth. “He’s a person. He’s a person.” My fingers dig into the couch. “Don’t call him a thing.”

She takes a step forward. Laughs. “It’s so easy to push your buttons. Did you know that? Do you know how transparent you are?”

“What do you want, Amelia?”

“Take down the pictures.” Her voice gets sharp. Like a whip slashing through flesh. Like a heavy metal chain rattling over a bed of sharp nails.

“Apologize for messing with my livelihood.”

“I don't know what you’re talking about. I simply bought a building.”

Folding my arms over my chest, I mimic her breezy tone. “And I simply posted pictures of me and Kastle.” I lift one shoulder and ask innocently, “Is that a crime now?”

“Kaelyn.” Her lips curl into a sneer. “Don’t make me hurt you.”

“Don’t make me hurt you.” I snap out of the couch and stare her down. "Because I can, Amelia. And I really, really want to.”

“What could you possibly have over me to—?”


Her eyes get tight. Strained.

I revel in it.

I want to roll around in this feeling.


The upper hand.

Is that why Amelia is so vile? Because it feels good to crush your enemies?

The condescending sheen leaves her expression. She sees me now. What I’m capable of.

“It would be so tragic if news of your husband’s affair hit the airwaves. The bad press.” I move closer. “Your stock prices falling.” Closer. “Your reputation tarnished.”

"You would use a sick little girl against me?”

“So you know she’s sick?”
