Page 22 of Be My Compass

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No drama.

It’s just every man in his own world.

I snag the towel from him.

“You lack class, my friend.”

I laugh. “Do I?”

“This music gets the blood pumping.”

“If you say so. Just sounds like mush to me.”

Ollie glances in the distance and shakes his head. “You know them?”

I turn around so I can see what he’s looking at. There are two girls over by the dumbbell rack. A blonde and a brunette. Sports bras. Tight yoga pants. Sneakers. They’ve got their cell phones pointed at me and they’re giggling like crazy.


Ollie chuckles. “You’re good for business.”

“Shut up.” I wipe my face with the towel.

“I still can’t believe you’re famous.” He looks me over. “When I first met you, you were this puny high school kid I thought for sure would give up after a few weeks. Next thing I knew, my wife was freaking out when she saw you.”

“You jealous?”

“I’d beat you to a pulp if I thought you were a threat.”

“I believe you.” I eye Ollie’s tattooed fist.

“I’ve been trying to make this place appeal to the female demographic for years. Didn’t know all it took was a reality TV heartthrob to get it done.”


“Chandra’s words. Not mine.”

“Your wife is a fan.”

“A big one.”

“You disappointed?” I take a swig of my water.

He flattens his hand in a so-so gesture.

I laugh. Get up. Stretch.

As soon as my aching limbs start to quiet, a storm floods the empty space in my head.

Mom wants me to join Make It marriage.

Kaelyn wants us to pretend we’re dating.

It’s foolish. Reckless. Dangerous.

But I understand why she suggested it.

For me.
