Page 71 of Be My Compass

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Ollie freezes.

I let the words settle in the room that smells of sweat and fabric cleanser.

Let it swell above the music pounding through the speakers.

Above my own rushing pulse.

Ollie sucks in a deep breath. “I didn’t hear that.”

“You did.” My palms are too sweaty. I rub them against my jogging shorts.

“You’re a private guy.”

“I am.”

“My wife will tell everyone.”


“Zania. Cobie. Her friends at the agency.” Ollie gestures to the phone. “They’re all fans of this girl. Your… the woman who runs this page. Black history. Black businesses.”

“Black empowerment.” I nod. “Yes. That’s Kaelyn.”

“They’re going to tell everyone,” he says again. His green eyes narrow. He’s looking out for me. Making sure I’m okay.

And suddenly, I remember why I kept coming back to this gym despite the fact that mom wanted me to attend one of her swanky franchises with floor mats and matching curtains. I remember why, at fifteen years old, I kept coming back day after day for Ollie’s training.

The guy really cares.

It’s all over his face. In his eyes.

I’m not just a customer to him. I’m a friend. Maybe even family.

He saw me grow up. Grow into my skin.

He saw and he trained me. He mentored me.

He approved.

My lips quirk up. “Why haven’t I met Chandra yet?”

He blinks in surprise.

“I’d like to meet her,” I add.


“That fast?”

“You free today?”

I laugh. “She’s been waiting?”

“Praying.” His smirk inches up. “She’s obsessed. Bring your girlfriend too and she’ll probably die.”

“I want her to live.”

“So do I.”
