Page 84 of Be My Bride

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But that honesty of his, that persistence in drawing the line and crossing it and drawing the line again is what gets confusing.

Of course I let myself be swayed.

Every girl wants to think they can change the playboy.

That they can be The One.


His real love was gone and I’m just a counterfeit. A complicated hook-up. A wrinkle in his no-strings-attached plan. One that will be ironed out when I’m done saving his business.

That’s all.

I know that now.

And I won’t make the same mistake twice.

I’m not going to close my eyes and pretend that true love exists just because we got married the way we did. A marriage certificate doesn’t fix a broken heart. Doesn’t change reality. Doesn’t create miracles.

It doesn’t make a family.

My parents taught me that. They thought accidentally having me and then joining their lives together by law would be a solid enough foundation to stand on.

But it wasn’t.

It will never be.

A marriage certificate is just a piece of paper saying that two broken, imperfect people made a perfect, impossible vow.

The pain stings right now, but it’s necessary.

I need to face this so I can get over myself.

Over him.

Over these feelings that keep cropping up without my permission.

I rummage through my suitcase. “You don’t have to answer that.”

Hansley says nothing.

Which is fine.

Because I’m right.

Because he doesn’t have to explain himself to me.

Because we’re not really married.

We’re not dating.

We're not friends.

We’re just stuck.

Exhaustion pulls me under.

I want this marriage to be over. I want to get back to my real life.
