Page 15 of Be My Wife

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I, naturally, assume that Brogan’s making a joke.

When I start to laugh, he doesn’t join me.

Which is strange, but it fits his dead-pan comedic timing so I guess I can’t fault him.

Picking up my wine glass, I take another sip. “That’s hilarious.”

He doesn’t agree.

He just stares at me, those wounded blue eyes dragging me in like a stormy tide pushing a life raft toward a dangerous waterfall.

There’s just… something about Brogan’s eyes. Makes me want to grab a crow bar and pry out all his secrets. Makes me want to open him up and study the way he ticks.

“It will only be for seven days,” Brogan says, in that crisp, deep voice.

Annoyance flashes in my gut.

Why is he continuing with the joke?

It’s over.

Ha ha. Wife by tomorrow. Great. He’s freaking white Dave Chappelle.

“You can’t seriously be…” I shake my head. “Of course not.”

The food arrives, blessedly rescuing me from what is turning into a train wreck of a date. It smells great, but my usual appetite is gone.

This is just… too weird.

I’ve been with men who push for sex in the first hour of meeting them. In fact, I seem to attract those men almost exclusively.

But a proposal within the first hour?

That’s a new one.

“Thank you,” I murmur to the waiter.

He dips his head and leaves.

I pick up my fork, wondering why I’m still here, entertaining this man, when it’s very clear that he’s either a little off his rocker or completely out of touch with modern romance.


“Did you lie when you said you weren’t a hippie?”

His eyebrows arch.

“Are you going to get kicked out of your commune if you don’t come back with a wife?” A terrifying thought strikes. “Wait, is this supposed to be a sister-wives thing?”

His lips twitch.

Is he… laughing at me?

I fold my arms over my chest. “Just so you know, I don’t like sharing. I respect people with different worldviews and lifestyles than mine, but as for me, I like my guy to be with me only.” I scrunch my nose. “Not that I’ve seen much evidence of such a thing being possible, but it’s still a nice thought to have.”

“Okay,” Brogan says.

