Page 26 of Be My Wife

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I toss the phone on the nightstand and fall into a deep, dreamless sleep.



Mom thinks I’m engaged. She has no idea I’m thousands of meters up in the sky, heading to my wedding.

My wedding.

I still can’t believe this.

Neither will she.

That dream ceremony she’s been planning since I was eight? The one she’s been saving up for since I got into college? It won’t happen.

She’s going to flip.

I shudder at the thought.

When it comes to my parents, my dad’s more of a ‘hands-off, let ‘em learn’ type.

My mom is… the complete opposite.

She pushed for my life to go according to The Plan.

The Plan is a four-step journey carefully crafted for her only baby girl.

College. Bachelors Degree. Dream wedding. Masters Degree.

She was crushed when I decided to go for my Masters and skip the marriage part. A parade of blind dates ensued as she desperately tried to change my mind.

Poor thing. I discovered pretty early on that I am not cut out for long-term relationships. My slew of failed attempts was evidence enough. My smarting heart calloused after every indiscretion.

I’m a data person. The amount of time, energy and effort I put into chasing men who didn’t want me (or wanted me and an entire harem) was not being returned.

So I gave up.

So did Mom.

That’s why she had no problems accepting my engagement to a total stranger.

In fact, she was floating on air.

All she could talk about was our wedding. The one we’d hold after Novah’s, of course, because wouldn’t that be rude to steal my cousin’s thunder?

I remember how her black eyes were sparkling. How her long nails twitched. How her smile couldn’t drop if she tried. When she finds out that there’s no princess dress, huge reception or special ceremony…

When she finds out I’m getting hitched in a cheesy Elvis Presley wedding chapel on the strip…?

I’m so dead.

“Elizabeth,” Brogan calls my name gently, “are you okay?”

I hear his voice from far away. Like it’s coming from a can.

His face eases closer to mine.

Blue eyes.
