Page 34 of Be My Wife

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I catch a glimpse of the cracked screen before she zips up her bag. “Your cousin?”

“We’re around the same age. You know how it is in a big family. You’re forced to be friends simply out of proximity.”

I shrug. My family’s not that big or that close. I have an older brother who lives out of state. We don’t really catch up unless Mom forces us to.

“She wants us to do the cake tasting tomorrow.” Elizabeth clears her throat. “Can you make it?”

“Of course.”


“Don’t thank me. It’s a part of our agreement.”


“We’re bound by the law.”

“Are you saying I can trust the contract more than I can trust you?”

“I’m saying I’m taking this seriously. So you don’t have to thank me for doing my part when you’ve done yours.”

“You’re rather pragmatic, aren’t you, Brogan?”


“By the books.”

“I’ve been accused of worse.”

“How very lawyer-y of you.”

“Is that a compliment?”

Her smile is hesitant, but at least she doesn’t look like she’s on the verge of throwing herself out of the cab anymore.


Leaning forward, I speak to the driver. “Can you take us to the nearest mall?”

“Mall?” Her eyes widen. “What for?”

I shrug.

“Don’t we have a flight to catch?”

“Are you in a rush?”

“I took the whole morning off.”


She studies me but doesn’t ask any more questions.

We get to the mall and I lead her confidently to a jewellery store.

Tinny pop music plays from the speakers.

Glass cases boast all sorts of rings, bracelets and necklaces.
