Page 106 of Revolt

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“Thanks, Eight-two, great party.”

“Isn’t it? Tucker isn’t here, though, so have a good night. Fool is in rehab. Shit, I might need a room next to him!” He laughs as he stumbles away, three women following him. She shakes her head, watching him go, but she does seem surprised about the news regarding Tucker.

Before I can ask her if she’s okay, Trav spots her and heads over. “Reign!” He goes to hug her, but he meets our eyes and swallows, turning pale as he pulls back. “I’m so glad you came.”

“Of course. I wouldn’t miss this for anything. You know I’m your guys’ biggest fan. Now introduce me to the famous Beck.” She winks, and he offers her his arm. She accepts it, and he leads her through the crowd. Reign greets people as they go, accepting drinks that I take and pour out—the only way she’s drinking is if we pour it.

You can never be too careful.

Trav approaches a sofa where three other men sit. I run my eyes over them and dismiss them as threats. They are the Dead Ringers, nothing more, but perched in the middle is a female. Beck, I am guessing. She’s laughing at something one of them says, her eyes lustful as she watches them, and that does grab my attention.

“Travy.” She grins when he joins them, and then she swallows when she sees Reign. “And Reign Harrow, Trav’s booty call, I mean friend.” Her eyes widen, and I see jealousy there as well as horror at her slip. She is too drunk to realize she said that out loud.

Reign just laughs. “Not a booty call anymore,” she replies. “Just friends. You are the infamous Beck. It’s nice to finally meet you, and I’m glad you fuckers got rid of that snooty bitch Kerry. She was a good singer but a horrible person,” she remarks.

“So I’ve heard.” Beck winces and stands. “I’m sorry. I didn’t—”

“It’s fine,” Reign promises. “How about we get a drink?”

Becks nods, nervously glancing back, but Trav and the others just urge her on. It’s obvious Reign means a lot to them, but so does Beck, and as Reign and Beck walk away, I watch all three of them stare at Beck’s ass.

They all want her.

It seems we have more in common than we thought.


She nods nervously and follows me. Beck is beautiful, but I knew she would be. It takes more than looks, though, for Trav to be obsessed, so she’s clearly smart and talented, but I wonder what else. When we reach the bar, she steps up next to me, towering over me.

“Look, let me be blunt.” Beck sighs. “I hate cat fights and jealousy. I’m not the type. It wasn’t cool for me to call you a booty call. The guys love you. They say you’re the coolest and that you’re friends. I care about them and the band, so I think we should get along.”

“I like that. I appreciate getting straight to the point. I hate word games and backstabbing. I’ve had enough to last a lifetime,” I reply.

“I saw. Want me to cut a bitch?” Beck asks, making me laugh.

“No wonder they like you.” She’s perfect for them—brash, outspoken, slightly crazy, and obviously fucking talented. “Look, yes, I’ve slept with Trav—”

“That’s none of my business,” Beck interjects, swallowing. “We are just friends, bandmates.”

“Sure.” I nod. “But we haven’t hooked up in a long time. I called him when I was lonely and hurt, but we didn’t do anything, I promise. I’m in a happy relationship with someone else, just don’t spill that. I like my privacy now. So how about we start again? Hi, I’m Reign.”

I hold my hand out, and she eyes it before smiling brightly.

“Hi, I’m Beck.” She grins. “Nice to meet you. In fact, I even had your poster on my wall, so I’m kind of starstruck. I was worried about comparing—”

“No comparison here,” I interrupt. “Talent is talent. The guys brought you on and they are the best. They obviously see that in you, so I have no doubt you’re amazing.” I glance around. “And this? This world takes some getting used to.”

“Tell me about it,” she grumbles, taking the shot and then staring at her beer. “Want to know a secret?” She leans in. “When I auditioned, I was working at a restaurant. I was nobody. This is . . . a lot to get used to. Does it ever get easier?”

“No.” I grin. “But you find people who make it worthwhile and learn how to use it for your best interests.”

“I know you always do. You make it look effortless,” she admits, grinning at me. “Even that Tucker fucker, want me to kill him?”

I see Dal nod approvingly. “Not today. Now, how about we go back over there, get really fucking drunk, and I tell you all the guys’ dirty secrets and embarrassing stories?”

“Sounds like a plan.” Beck grins. “Hey, Reign, thank you.” Her brows furrow. “This world is kind of lonely. I never know whom to trust.”

“Trust me.” I shrug. “I could use that kind of friend too, in all honesty.”
