Page 127 of Revolt

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QueenB: I’m okay.

There, that’s all I say and then I shut it, ignoring the chat as it blows up with their responses. We pull into the underground parking garage at the studio, so I guess the new guards aren’t taking any chances. I wait for them to open the door, a habit, and they sweep the surrounding area. When the door opens, I slide out.

“Thanks,” I say softly.

A nod is all I get. Rolling my eyes, I blow out a breath and head to the elevator with them in formation around me. It’s ridiculous, really—


I duck, the sound of gunfire loud and distinct.

“Contact!” one of the guard’s screams. “Back, car, go!”

An arm wraps around me and tugs, keeping me down as we spin, but not before I see one of the guards drop with a shout, blood blooming on his chest. “Shit, shit, man down, let’s go!” the one holding me barks.

Whimpering, I run with him, stumbling in my heels as everything seems to slow down as thepop-pop-popof the gun gets louder. When I glance back, I see more of the guards falling as they protect our backs, their guns out. Spinning forward, I drop my bag and phone and almost fall.

The guard yanks me up and we round the car. He pushes me to it as he opens the door, but my eyes widen when a masked man in a suit rounds the car, calmly reloading. “Behind you!” I scream, but it’s too late. The guard turns just in time to get a bullet in the head.

My scream rips free as he spins from the force, his open, unseeing eyes haunting me as they meet mine and he falls against me. I push him away as his blood covers me. Whimpering, I manage to get free and scramble back on my hands and knees as the man in the mask tilts his head and watches me.

It’s silent.

There are no screams or voices.

They are all dead.

He killed them, and I’m next.

Oh god, I’m such a fool.

“Please,” I implore, piercing the deafening silence.

“You beg prettily.” A computer voice comes from the mask. “Do it again.”

“Please, please, just let me go. I have money.”

He laughs, and it’s haunting. “I don’t want your money, Reign.” He crouches before me as my lip trembles. He uses the gun to tip my chin up as I cry, fear coursing through me. “I want something much more valuable—you.”

Sirens split the air and my eyes widen. His head turns to the garage entrance. “Damn it, two minutes early. I guess our time is cut short—” I take my chance, refusing to die on my knees, and bring my hand down like I was taught. I snap his wrist, the pain making him recoil and drop the gun. I take the shot and kick off my heels as I scramble to my feet and run for the slope, making sure to zigzag.

“Reign!” the voice roars.

I run faster, but when he skids to a stop before the slope, I swerve, knowing I’m not going to make it. I race down the line of cars and duck behind one, covering my mouth as I hide.

The sirens are getting louder.

“Reign, Reign, Reign, that wasn’t very nice, and you’ll pay for that,” the voice calls, getting closer. “Where are you? Duck, duck, goose . . . Boo!” He pops around the car, and I kick out with a scream. He catches my foot and uses it to drag me out. I try to claw my way under the car, breaking my nails, but it’s no use.

He drags me out, kicking and screaming.

Flipping me over, he presses the gun to my chin once more. “Time to go, Reign. Remember, I’m always here. This is going to hurt. A lot.” My heart stops, and just when I think he’s going to leave, he lowers the gun and presses it to my side.

There’s a sudden sharp pain and my eyes widen.


He shot me.
