Page 136 of Revolt

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“There’s my girl.”

“Raff,” she whispers later.

“Yes, Miss Harrow?”

“What happens now?”

“Whatever you want. It’s your life. We are just along for the ride,” I promise.

“You’ll stay?”

“Like you could ever get rid of us.” I almost snort. “We didn’t need this job, Reign. We took it because some deep part of us knew it was important. I never could have guessed how much, but it’s time to settle down at your side, where we belong.”

“Okay.” She grins, her eyes fluttering open. “Because I still have a whole lot of trouble I want to get into.”

“Oh, I have no doubt about that, my little anarchist.” I kiss her lips, savoring every moment. “Good night, Miss Harrow.”

“Night, Raffy.”

* * *


Reign is tired, but she refuses to rest when we get home. The only way I can get her to relax is to lie next to her on the daybed out back, trapping her in my arms. A lot has happened over the last few weeks, so I let her lapse into silence, just happy she’s back in my arms where she belongs. I know Raff has hurried away to pick up our fur baby, knowing she needs him right now. Plus, he belongs here, in our home. With us.

“If you want to talk about what happened,” I begin. She went through a traumatic experience. We are used to it, but she isn’t.

“I’m okay.” She snuggles closer, but she must feel my questioning glance because she sighs. “Really, I am. I always felt like I was waiting for something bad to happen, but now that it finally has, I’m relieved. I can get on with my life, and that’s all I want. For now, I just want to be happy. Can we?”

“Of course.” I bend my legs, getting settled, and my shorts ride up.

“What’s that?” She pushes my shorts up and gasps as I grin.

The new tattoo is still healing, but her lyrics are easy to pick out. “Cillian.” She stares at me.

“We are forever, Reign Harrow, and I wanted the moment you realized you loved me on my skin for just as long.” Her eyes widen, and I chuckle. “I might not be a lyrical genius, but I know a love confession when I read one.”

Giggling, she traces it with her fingers as she leans into my side. “I never thought we’d be here again. I thought it was over.” She lifts her head as my heart clenches. “Even when I was hurt and angry, I missed you. I missed you so much, it made it hurt more.”

Kissing her head, I hold her tighter. “You will never miss us again. We aren’t going anywhere, and we’ll earn your forgiveness every day for the rest of our lives.”

“Deal,” she whispers as I kiss her head.

“And my skin is your notepad anytime. Cover me in your lyrics, Reign, like my heart is covered in you.”


One week later . . .

Reign is having nightmares. It’s why we are standing in an opulent office downtown. She has spoken to us about what happened, but I suggested she talk to someone else as well. I hate that I can’t fight her demons in her sleep, and I want to help in any way I can, so when she suggested we come together to face our demons as a team, I could do nothing but agree.

Apart from her nightmares, Reign is doing good. She’s healing well with a private doctor, who checks on her every day. We wait on her hand and foot and spend time together, making up for lost time.

She speaks to Beck and Jack almost every day. Even Winchester comes by, and they get on as if they have known each other for years. Her management isn’t happy we’re back, but Reign put her foot down in a way that had us all jerking off in the shower—she basically called us hers and told them to get over it.

With the way the press is eating up her story and desperate for any image of her, they have chosen to give her whatever she wants. Plus, it means free security, and they can’t argue with that, even if we answer to her and not them.

“Please sit.” Dr. Wright, or Andie, as he told us to call him, gestures to a couch.
