Page 37 of Revolt

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“And?” I mutter.

“That means something.” He nods. “It means she’s in this as much as we are.”

Fucking hell. I can’t even believe I’m having this conversation with him. “Later,” is all I say, knowing I need time to come up with a reasonable argument to explain why he can’t do that kind of shit. Usually, he would just follow my orders unless he thought it would get us killed, but this time he’s fighting me and I know why.

Reign fucking Harrow.

I knew she would be trouble, but even as I think that, a smile curves my lips. He’s right though. She didn’t sleep with him, and that means something. I just don’t know what.

I can’t stop the satisfaction I feel, knowing she’s going to have to come to us for relief if she wants it. I might be hired to be her security guard, but I’m only a man.

A man who wants Reign Harrow more than I want my next breath.

Storming downstairs with Dal in tow, I curse when I see the empty lobby. The paparazzi are mingling outside the hotel, no doubt alerted to her presence, but I don’t see Reign, Astro, or Cillian.

Where the fuck are they?

I search the lobby before hurrying to the reception desk, where a woman sits primly in her suit.

“Have you seen Miss Harrow?” I ask the receptionist, panicking. Astro and Cillian are gone too, but anything could have happened. Dal is searching behind me.

She blushes and lowers her head. “Um, I saw her go into the bathroom with one of her security guards. It was a while ago.”

Fucking hell.

I pull out some bills and hand them over. “There was a threat. It was for her safety,” I lie, and she nods, clearly not believing me, but she takes the bills. “If this gets out to anyone, I will remember your name, Caitlin,” I warn, reading her tag, and she pales.

I move away from the desk and follow the signs for the restroom. There’s a men’s bathroom at the beginning of the corridor, but farther down is a wooden door for females.

I twist the handle, but it’s locked.


There’s a giggle and a moan—one I know better than my own voice.


Motherfucker. I try to slam it open, but Dal stops me, yanking me away. “This is how we keep her. You stopped me up there, and I’m stopping you here. Get over it.”

I have no choice but to turn my back to the wall and protect the door. He’s right. I can’t stop this. They are consenting adults and it’s her choice. Instead, I have to stand there and listen to her moans and the slap of their bodies. My cock is hard, and I glare at anyone who comes too close.

I’ll protect her from out here. I won’t let anyone see this.

I can’t even be too angry about it. She’s a siren and even I couldn’t resist her, so how could they? A part of me knew when I left them alone that this would happen. It was inevitable. I just wish it were in private without so many prying eyes. It’s our job to protect her reputation.

Time passes slowly, and my cock is uncomfortably hard the entire time as I hear them fucking until it’s finally over. I hear water running, laughing, and mumbling, and a few minutes later, the door unlocks.

I turn as they open the door. All three have wild hair and are breathing heavily, and they all look way too fucking satisfied. “Have fun, Miss Harrow?” I snap.

She smirks, not the least bit bothered, and shuffles out. Astro and Cillian look far too smug, not even unsettled by my glare.

“Out back so no one sees you,” I mutter.

“Nope, front door.” She goes to walk away and I grab her.

“You look freshly fucked, Miss Harrow, and there are cameras,” I warn.

She smiles, lowering her voice. “They will think it’s from him, but we’ll all know it’s from you.” Patting my chest, she steps past once more. The woman is going to drive me to madness, even if I feel a twinge of satisfaction from them seeing our girl and knowing it was from us.
