Page 75 of Revolt

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“Got my text?” I ask.

“Searching now . . . Ah, here she is. Seventy-five-year-old Lorraine Watson. I’ll text you her address.” He hangs up.

“Bye to you too, asshole,” I mutter as I swing my leg over my bike, knowing he’s annoyed and worried. As I wait, I snap a picture of me on my bike, flexing my pecs, and text it to my girl.

Me: Gone for a ride, wishing it were you I was riding though.

A few moments later, a text comes through.

Reign: Then hurry back ;)

Fuck, I need to find this old lady and fast. Yanking my helmet on, I check the address Raff sent and pull out into traffic. It doesn’t take me long to get there, and I take the steps two at a time, about to buzz everyone to get in when the door opens and Lorraine herself steps out. She smiles at me as I hold the door and starts to head past me.

“Excuse me, Lorraine?”

She blinks, turning to me, bag in hand.

“Hi, you don’t know me. I’m Astro.”

She shakes my hand hesitantly.

“Sorry, the flower shop you used yesterday gave me your information. My girl got your flowers, and we were just trying to work out who sent them.” I put my hand in my pocket and give her my sweetest smile.

“Oh gosh! Well, dear, it wasn’t me. Some nice gentleman stopped me near the shop and asked if I could do it for him. He said he was in a hurry but didn’t want his wife not to get them . . . .Girlfriend, you said?”

“I did.” I grin. “You don’t happen to remember his name or what he looked like, do you?”

“Hmm, well, he was tall, but it was hard to see much more under the hat he wore,” she admits. “Sorry.” She pats my arm as she passes.

“Lorraine, where was this?”

“Oh, just outside the dry cleaners next door. I must go now. I’m late for a date.” Fluffing her hair, she hurries down the street as I pull out my phone, my smile fading.

“Yeah, it’s me. I want all the footage from the camera on Wilcox yesterday. We are looking for a little old lady and the guy who stopped her.” I hang up, knowing my friend will get me what I need. It’s time to stop this bastard. Today it was flowers, but tomorrow, it could be anything.

He’s getting bolder, and if Reign is going to marry anyone, it’s me.



While we wait for the footage, I head out. I told Raff it was to chase a lead, but I lied. I hate lying to him, but this is important, and it’s on a time crunch. I know Reign is safe with them, and in a few hours, we will have the information we need on her stalker, and then we can make sure she’s safe for good.

When we were first hired, we scanned through the many threats she gets. Some are harmless, others not so much, and we put a stop to most of them, but her management was worried about this one specifically. This one kept sending her letters they intercepted and they were creepy, but we couldn’t find out where they came from. Whoever it is, he’s smart and clearly annoyed at being ignored, so he’s stepping up his game, and now it’s time to act.

When this fucker is taken care of, she’ll be safe again.

Our jobs will be over as well.

I have to tell her the truth and just hope she keeps us around anyway. I hate lying to her, but it’s for her protection. I know she’ll be mad, but she’ll understand, right? She already has enough to worry about without having this on her plate.

It’s our job to protect her, and we’ll do that.

I take my car, not wanting Raff to track me in hers. This is a surprise for her and her alone. Pulling up outside the tattoo studio, I turn my phone off, knowing they’ll turn up if they want me. I head inside and grin at the big, burly biker. I’ve known Vaughn since our days in the service, and he does all our tattoos, including Astro’s new one, which he thinks he’s hidden.

“Sup, brother?” he calls.

“I need this inked.” I slide my jeans down and he whistles. “Got the time?”
