Page 39 of Apple of His Eye

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“I ought to cut out your heart for all the trouble you’ve caused me. Running away from home, shaking up with the Jackals, and giving their pussy-ass president what wasn’t yours to give.” Raymond leans back in an old metal chair, picking at his dirty nails with the tip of his butterfly knife. He’s wearing a denim vest like the Jackals’ leather cut.

He’s a member of the Demon Wolves. I remember Kohen mentioning the enemy club, but I hadn’t truly pieces Raymond’s association with them until now.

“Fuck you,” I hiss weakly, not ready to go down without a fight.

And I will fight.

Until my last breath.

He laughs louder, closing his knife with the flick of his wrist. The sound it makes is like nails on a chalkboard to me, reminding of all the nights I spent huddled in my bedroom, listening to him threaten Fran because she couldn’t pay for her last fix like she promised. Sometimes the next sound I’d hear was the jingle of his belt when he’d command her to drop to her knees.

“No, I don’t think I’ll give you the honor of fucking me.” He shrugs nonchalantly, like he’s got all the time in the world. “At least not until you’ve earned the right to have a real man inside your cunt and not some mongrel dog.”

“You think you are man enough for me?” I ask, feeling my sanity slip a little. “You’re an abusive asshole who gets off on treating women like shit.”

“I love hearing my victims scream,” he admits like it’s a common like to have. “You already know that, Princess, don’t you? Tell me honestly, did you take pleasure in hearing yourwickedstepmother punished? I bet you did. I bet you enjoyed listening to her pain. I bet you wished you were the one inflicting it on her.”

“You’re sick.” I grit my teeth, trying not to think about how many nights he made Fran scream for him. I might hate the woman and what she did to me, but I’m nothing like her—like him. I could never take pleasure in someone’s pain.

“Tsk, tsk. Don’t you know you shouldn’t judge a man unless you’ve walked a mile in his shoes?” I bite my tongue, holding back my retort out of fear. “If you’re a good girl, I might let you take part. I could find us theperfectvictim. Teach you exactly where to target someone’s body for ultimate pleasure—foryourpleasure.” Raymond’s cold eyes rake up and down my body. He licks his lips before making a show, visibly adjusting himself. “Fuck Princess, just thinking about it has me harder than I’ve been in months.”

I swallow my disgust and look away to hide the tears prickling the back of my eyes.


I don’t know how I’m going to survive this, but I’ve got to keep my wits about me to get one step ahead of him. That was always Fran’s problem. She never planned enough when it came to him. Maybe she loved the pain he inflicted on her. Or maybe she was plain stupid. Either way, I refuse to be anything like her.

“Where’s is my stepmother?” I ask, trying to forget the way he thrusted his bulge into his hand. “Why isn’t she here taking part in my downfall?”

“That dried up skag is no longer useful to me.”


Does that mean…?

“She’s dead?” I ask, my full attention back to him.

“It’s a shame, really. Heard she got her hands on some powerful shit and couldn’t handle it the high.” Raymond sucks his teeth before an evil smile shapes his mouth. The concept of Fran’s death feels foreign to me. Almost unbelievable. Not because I don’t think she deserved to die, but the meaning behind it.

If Fran is dead, it means I’ve truly escaped her. I can let stop looking over my shoulder. It means the memory of my father—and his legacy—can finally be fulfilled through me.


If I can outwit Raymond.

“What are you going to do with me?” I ask, trying to buy myself time. I don’t know how long I was unconscious and I doubt Raymond will give me that information if I ask. But maybe I can placate him, at least for now, to figure out a plan.

“Considering your connection to the Jackals has put my business dealings on their territory on their radar, I haven’t decided. Whatever happens, though, you still have Fran’s debt to work off.”

“I thought you’d want me for yourself,” I inquire, hoping he finds appeal in the idea. The idea of being touched by anyone other than Kohan leaves my stomach queasy.

He tilts his head, like he’s considering the thought. “You’re acting a little too willing for my tastes, honestly.”

“It’s just… well,” I sputter, trying to find the right words. The ties cut deeper into my wrists when I shift my body toward him. I use the curves that have filled in around my body to enunciate my assets. “Didn’t Fran tell you? I know how to be a good girl, Raymond.”

He narrows his eyes, letting them drift along the curve of my hip and breast. For a moment he’s let’s me believe my plan is working. “Good girls don’t run away from home, princess. You made it very difficult to track you down. Hell, if it wasn’t for Triple Time whinnying about the new girl Vortex claimed, I don’t think I would’ve found you. Howdidyou manage to fall in with the mongrel?”

Fucking Maria.
