Page 41 of Apple of His Eye

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Trying to think of another way, I study the rusty pipe above my head. There are three little bolts holding it in place, two of which look like it won’t take much to get them to come out of the wall. I shake the pipe, and the bolts give a little. Maybe, with enough force, I can break it off the wall?

My legs still feel a little jelly-like, but I get them under me in a kneeling position. Whatever Maria had in that syringe; it’s taking forever to leave my body.

“They’re here for the girl,” I hear someone shout, the gunfire much closer. I don’t know how close they are, but if I don’t do something soon, I might not make it out of here. I need to move while Raymond’s and his goon are distracted.

Sweat drips down my back and I try pushing up onto my feet, but my strength hasn’t returned.

“Fuck,” I growl, refusing to be defeated. It is not an option. It is not an emotion I’m willing to embrace. I take my frustration, my fear and my rage and I grip the rusty pipe, shaking and pulling it with every ounce of strength I have. It nearly comes free of the wall, the one little bolt remains, holding it in place.

“Where’s the girl?” I hear someone shout. The familiarity of their voice makes my heart stutter. It’s him. He came.

“Fuck you,” someone else responds.

“Wrong answer, asshole,” Kohen growls, one second before another gunshot. I hear a grunt and a body hits the floor, making my heart stop.

“Kohen,” I scream, finding the strength in my body to stand upright. “I’m in here.”

“Wildcat?” He calls, his voice strong. The metal door flies open, banging hard into the wall, and a wild-eyed Kohen steps into the room. “Are you hurt?

“I’m all right.” I shake my head and he crosses the room to me. Kohen captures my face with one hand and kisses me hard, just once. “I thought I’d never see you again.”

“Me, too. Is Millie all right?” He tucks his gun into the waistband of jeans and pulls out his pocketknife. Making quick work of the zip ties, but careful not to cut my skin, the plastic gives and falls to the floor. He takes my hands to examine the damage done to my wrists.

“She’s fine. Angry about what happened. Worried about you.”

“It was Maria—”

“Well, well, well, look what we have here. The Mongrel and his bitch,” Raymond chuckles from the door, his gun trained on us both. “So fucking poetic.”

“Tormentor,” Kohen growls, his face filled with rage. He turns slowly to face the man, his hands raised.

Tormentor? Yeah, that suits him better.

“I see you found our little hideout.”

“Thanks to your little spy.” They did figure out it was Maria who took me. If we get out of here—no, when we get out of here—I want to know where the bitch is.

“That one always had a mouth on her.” Tormentor steps further into the room. His beady eyes trained on Kohen. “Did she give you a few good screams before you did her in?”

“This is over, Tormentor,” Kohen grits, ignoring his question.

“Ain’t over until I say it is, and you’ll know when it is because you’ll be bleeding out.” Tormentor’s eyes gleam and he smiles. The bastard is obviously painting the picture in his head.

“Is that what you told Hog when you killed him?” I frown, trying to keep up. “When you stole his club?”

“Ha, that fat bastard? He didn’t even see me coming. None of them did. They weren’t that smart. Not like you, Vortex, and your crew.” Tormentor turns his weapon from Kohen to me. “Now drop the knife or I’ll put a bullet in your woman’s head.”

The knife chatters to the floor, and Kohen tries to move between me and the gun, but when Tormentor takes a step forward, Kohen takes a step back, instead.

“Tsk, tsk, don’t go being self-sacrificing over some pussy. I’m sure it wasn’tthatgood.”

“Point the gun at me, fucker. It’s me you want to kill, remember?”

“I’m thinking it’s both of you, but I want to have some fun first. Test out that pussy you’re ready to die over.”

Kohen takes another step back, this time with purpose. The cold, hard steel of his firearm nudges against my arm.

