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On his way out, his valet gives me a slight nod. This is good. It means my brother is having a pleasant span and can be reasoned with. The family and those closest to us have ways of dealing with our complicated and lovable mind-intruding king.

Et’enne gives me a once-over, and his gaze lingers on my feet. They’re dirty, covered in prison dust all the way up to my ankles. Just from that, he knows I was in the dungeons. Great.

“Are we doing it in the dungeons now?” Et’enne drawls.

“We’re not, no.” I swipe a drink from the service cart. I offer it to him, but he refuses. The commander won’t drink on duty (which is always), so I don’t bother offering him one.

“I met a notturno last night.” I sip my bubbly champagne. Light peach flavor. Mmmm. Refreshing.

“Me too,” Et’enne says. “I met many notturnos last night.” He looks at the commander, likely because he recognizes that I’m stalling and Et’enne likes his briefs delivered fast and to the point.

“Fleur believes that there was a breach,” the commander says. “And that some of the prisoners escaped.”

“I take it by your tone you don’t believe that?”

The commander shakes his head.

“The notturno I met last night in the club—”

Et’enne raises a hand, silencing me. “Since when do you frequent the underground?”

“It was Evie’s birthday.”

“I see. Girls’ night out. And did you have a grand time?”

I nod. “I met him last night, and he walked away from me, even though I wished he’d stay.”

Et’enne smiles. “The one who got away.”

“Exactly. Naturally, I sought him out.”

Et’enne nods, so we’re in agreement.

“I searched for him everywhere, and when I couldn’t find him in any of the usual places, like the chambers where we house our guests, I went to the dungeons.”

“And you discovered him there.”

“He was freeing the males I think are his warlords.”

“His warlords?” my brother prompts with a tilt of his head. He doesn’t seem as concerned as I expected. Maybe it’s not a huge deal. But then again, Et’enne knows who we keep down there, whereas I only know they’re criminals.

He looks to D’Artaron. “I presume you’ve sent out a search? Quietly, so as not to alarm anyone or tell them we have notturnos who call themselves warlords on the loose.”

“Yes, my king. So far, the streets are as usual and my birds and my spies are circling. Nothing is causing alarm, but I’ll remain vigilant.”

Et’enne tosses a nut into the air and catches it in his mouth. He offers me the bowl, and I take a nut, fling it, and it hits my nose. He eyes the commander, and the other male shakes his head, uninterested in our games.

“Sounds like you handled it. Yet you dragged my sister here as if she’s done something wrong when we both know her social mingling delivers valuable intelligence.”

“And wealth,” I add.

“And wealth,” my brother concurs. “I won’t bend her over my knee for going into the dungeons, and I don’t think she’d let you punish her either, so I don’t see why we’re having this conversation.”

“I believe the notturno she met last night slipped something into her drink to weaken her and make her see things that aren’t there.”

“You think a vampire compulsion would work on her?” Et’enne asks.

“I do, and I’ve sent more males to confirm that nothing happened.”
