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Iguess I needed a nap more than I thought I did, and snoozing on Nottuza’s lap, wrapped in his muscular arms, was one of the finest sleeping cots I’ve experienced in a while.

His strong and enticing scent makes me nuzzle into his jacket, and as I stretch, my bottom slides down his thigh and between his legs. He has a sizable rod, and feeling it makes me squirm on his lap.

He squeezes my bottom and says, “We’re descending.”

“We are, but you’re not,” I mumble sleepily, referencing his rod.

The flying carriage dips sharply, dragging my stomach along with it. I press a hand over my mouth so as not to throw up, hoping the nausea will pass as the carriage levels out again, but that’s not what happens. My belly’s upset.

Nottuza opens the curtains, peers through the window, then closes it. “Clear.”

Winds start battering the carriage as we dip and climb over the Winter Court’s mountain ranges. My tummy rises and falls, and when the coach starts shaking left and right, my belly feels like it’s in my throat. I’m blue in the face with a hand over my mouth whereas Nottuza calmly sits on the bench as if glued to it, occasionally glancing out the window.

“We took the scenic route,” he says, looking a bit guilty. “I thought I’d show you the beauty of this court from this vantage point, but I see how that was a miscalculation.”

I want to throw up on his finely pressed uniform, and if I respond, I might. Since the Summer princess isn’t allowed such weaknesses, I simply nod and pray that the fates end my journey before I empty my belly all over my companion.

Merciless cold winds continue to pound the carriage as we ascend and descend the numerous peaks and valleys of the Winter Court.

Right before I bend over and expel whatever is left in my stomach, the carriage settles into a steady descent. Out the window, at the very top of the mountain, lit by thousands of magical lights, shines the Ice Princess tower. At this time of night, the tower appears light blue. Stunning.

From this vantage point, the structure stands in the middle of the carnage the way a warrior princess might: unharmed, strong, and always beautiful. The tower looks as if the Unseelie king didn’t wreak absolute disaster on the court.

He preserved the tower. When the control over his vast power slipped, he laid waste to everything besides the tower, where the fates prophesized a powerful Unseelie female would be born. Still, seeing the Winter Court in shambles makes me sad.

Of course, I don’t blame Aamako for wanting to keep his crown. He’s the rightful heir and the most powerful of the Unseelie fae males. At the same time, I don’t fault his nephew for wanting power either. It’s in fairy blood to seek more power, especially when given governance over people at a young age.

But the fact that the king and the prince regent destroyed the court remains. Sometimes, everyone is at fault. Rarely are events as large in scope as this one a result of a single party, but a cascade of events that led to the destruction.

As we approach the fortification, the winds lash at us as if angry that the summer is arriving with Evie and me. It almost feels as if the winds want to shake us and make us turn around.

“The Princess is one the most stunning creations I’ve ever seen,” I say as we near one of the high floors.

Nottuza chuckles. “I agree.”

I glance his way and do a double take when I realize he’s not looking out the window anymore, but staring at me.

“Thank you,” I tell him.

He nods.

Icicles decorate long, high windows along each of the tower’s floors. My eyes naturally follow the height all the way to the top. Shutters guard the chambers on the top floor, but above it, from the roof, a display of neatly formed icicles stuck on platinum metal rods fan out like a peacock’s tail in a beautiful display of red, white, and black. All the colors of the Winter Court.

“Landing,” Nottuza says and tightens his hold around me.

The carriage slams onto the landing post, causing the guards stationed outside to rush toward us and try to stop the carriage before it hits the tower. But the forward momentum is propelled by the winds at our back and ice collected on the post doesn’t help to slow us down. At top speed, we slide, heading straight for the tower wall.

I lose my shit and screech, eyes closed. “Oh my faaaates!”

Nottuza moves us, and suddenly, I’m upright, my feet touching the ground. A crash makes me scream again, but then blessed calm, only the sound of winds whistling about. Not daring to open my eyes just yet, I grip his jacket and dig my claws into it.

“You’re shaking.” He brings me into his arms. The scent of him soothes me. I’m fine. I’ll be fine.

“I haven’t operated this mode of transportation for quite some time,” he explains.

I look up at him.

Nottuza’s breath seems to catch, and he pushes me away, holding me at arm’s length, staring into my eyes as if seeing me for the first time.
