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Nottuza steps back and licks his finger. “Your pussy tastes better than blood.”

“And you would know because you feed on the blood of fairies.”

“As my nature requires.”

“The fae male out there.” I point as Nottuza starts fixing my clothes, drawing my robe closed around me, leaving off the jacket the guard gave me and tossing his own jacket over my shoulders. “You didn’t just feed on him. You made him.”

“I did.”

“I don’t know if anyone has told you, but the fae aren’t just meals for vampires anymore. There are laws in place.”

Nottuza steps back, eyes narrowing. “Laws that benefit only the fae.”

“No.” I shake my head. “Laws that protect the fae and the notturnos.”

“Laws that forbid hunting and feeding. Laws that dilute our blood and make us weaker. Laws that defy our natural way of life.”

“You can’t simply make more notturnos.”

“I can.”

“You cannot. They’re fae. Does Aamako know about this?”

Nottuza chuckles. “Aamako wants to eliminate all the traitors.”

“And you’re making them vampires instead?”

“That’s right.”

“To what end?” I ask.

“I need people.”

“What for?”


“From what?”

“From those who wish us harm.”

“I don’t understand.”

He presses a finger over my lips. “All in good time, Princess.”

I bite my lip. “The vampire houses won’t like it, Nottuza.”

He tucks his hands into his pockets. “Good thing I don’t need their permission.”

“What you’re saying is crazy.”

“It’s actually sane and the only thing that makes sense.”

I wave my hand about the room, indicating the maps of the world. “No, no, the houses have rules, and we have rules, and the world we live in has rules. You can’t just wake up and fuck it all up.”

“Language,” he reprimands with a smile.

He’s so beautiful when he smiles that it disarms me, and my shoulders slump. “You will start a war.”
