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Oh, this winter season is starting out fantastic. “Woohoo!”

As I do my business and wash my face, I think about commissioning more short dresses and also trying to reach out to an elven tribe one last time about the heating arrangements. I want to heat the palace so that females can wear revealing clothes, even bathing suits, indoors if they so wish. And I do so wish.

I also wouldn’t mind another pool area. A large one for a gathering and even hosting parties.

I remember Nottuza mentioning dragon fire, and while it’s unlikely dragons will accept paid positions in the Winter Court, they might if I ask them. They might if they’re invited for mating.

Thinking of mating takes me back to Nottuza and how even though he never said he’s falling in love with me, I don’t regret telling him I love him. Not even slightly, for I’ve never been this close to falling for any one male, and the feeling of having my heart full of love when I think of him is worth all the turns I spent searching for this very emotion.

Falling in love is riveting, an experience like none other, and I love the feeling of loving him. To be sure, he’s a difficult male to love, but I could never fall for a male who came to me easily. Nottuza holds his own, and in bed, he controls me. Fucking him is wonderful. I can hardly wait until he wakes up tonight and we do it again and again, because he sure as heck is mine for the season.

Because he spoiled me with his big dick and endurance, he’ll have to keep spoiling me all winter long. Perhaps more than a winter. Perhaps he would like to spoil me forever.

Oh boy.

I sit on the bed and grab a pillow, bringing it to my chest as if it’s Nottuza’s firm behind. I squeeze and wonder if the bite I left on his bottom remains.

He never bit me, though. But if he had, I wouldn’t have minded. A male must eat too.


I’m hungry.

I put on my slippers and wince as my toe bumps into something hard inside the shoe. I invert the slipper, and a small object falls out and rolls across the floor.

It’s round and wooden and looks like the head of the toy soldier Nottuza used to leave on my nightstand. I glance over to see the soldier’s body lies there. I pick up the body and the head and throw them into the dresser, then walk outside, where the silence is as deadly as the dread accumulating in my belly.

We’re not fully staffed yet, and the staff we have is busy at this hour, setting up breakfast around the pool area. There’s nobody here, and it appears that nobody has been here since we left for the masked ball downstairs.

My white dress still hangs on the portable rack.

“Hello?” I call out as I grab the first thick jacket within reach and head toward the staircase.

I button up the jacket and realize from the smell that it’s Nottuza’s. Just wearing his jacket makes me more comfortable with the silence in the tower.

I peek down the spiral staircase and note the shadows from the bottom of the tower have traveled all the way to the upper floors.

“Are you all setting up shadow portals?” I ask nobody in particular.

The shadows retreat as if something sucked them back to the bottom.

A loud bang on a large drum sounds.

I scream at the top of my lungs and run back into the pool area, slamming the doors behind me.

Another bang sounds.

At the third one, I try to calm my erratically beating heart so I can hear what’s happening, but the hammering in my ears is too loud.

I breathe slowly and focus on calming myself while stretching my hearing out past the door and down the staircase. My magic stirs, also reaching out, seeking people. As expected, I find a large group of them downstairs.

“There you are,” I say, and head for the door.

It locked behind me, but I unlock it and exit.

The journey downstairs is as pleasant as it was when I descended with Winter. This time around, however, I’m skipping steps, curiosity propelling me forward despite the warning bells going off in my head.

Nottuza wouldn’t let anything bad happen to me, not like my family would.
