Page 59 of Her Demon Mate

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I don’t take notice of the fact I’ve been crying until I taste the saltiness of my tears on my tongue. It’s a bitter signal that the end is near, both for myself and for Zephon.

I wipe them away, but they keep pouring and stinging my eyes. Still, I remain undeterred, keeping up with Zephon’s convoy.

There’s no way for me to get directly to him, each gap closed with the troops covering all paths to him. It feels like a cruel tease, to have him so near but inaccessible. I’m not about to give up, not when I’m so close to taking his life.

I have no choice but to wait for an opening.

The thought of hatching an escape plan pops into my mind, but I shove it away, knowing I won’t get to make use of one. Once he is dead, the purpose of my entire adult life will be complete, and so I shall die a fulfilled woman.

There’s no backing out of this now. I come to terms with the possibility that I may not even stay alive long enough to know that I’ve pulled the job off successfully. Knowing my luck as of late, that would likely be the case.

“You bastard!” yells a citizen up ahead. “Give that back!”

“It’s mine!” shouts someone else.

Everyone in the area looks to the two demons as they tackle one another, bringing the fight to the ground. Fists start flying between them.

“Wait here!” shouts the soldier at the front.

Perhaps they think it is an attack as they all rush forward to the fighting demons to see what’s happening. Just like that, the perfect opening presents itself on a silver platter.

Drawing a deep breath, I waste no time brandishing my knife. No one notices given the ongoing commotion unfolding just a few meters away from me.

This is it!

I lunge for the unsuspecting Zephon, but I’m whisked away from him just before my blade connects with his neck. A strong force pulls me back before I register what’s going on.

Suddenly, I find myself on the ground, looking up into the green eyes of Azron. At the sight of him, a mixture of both rage and relief come over me. He snatches the knife from my hands in the same manner he did when I was about to kill Tonnolun.

“Let me go!” I tell him. “I’m doing this, and there’s not a thing you can do to stop me!”

“I just did.”

“Let me go!” I say.

“No!” he grunts. “You’re not doing this, Elia. You’ll get yourself killed, and I’ll be alone to face this world without you!”

I squirm and try to wiggle free of his immense grip, but the more I do so, the tighter he holds me. Eventually, I cannot move.

Everything I’ve been feeling up until this point comes bubbling to the surface. All of the rage, the love, the guilt, the bloodlust. I lay there in the street, crying in Azron’s arms.

“Azron,” I whimper.

Behind him, I hear the soldiers returning, one of them glancing at me weirdly before they take formation around their leader. Zepphon walks away, free to live another day.

“You asshole,” I cry. “You fucker! He got away again…”

“Shush now, Elia. Everything is going to be okay, I promise you that.”

The fight leaves my body, and I surrender to Azron.



Irun out of the door at a speed I never thought I could reach. I don’t think of stopping, not even once. I’m in a race against the only force that no one in the history of the universe has ever beaten, a foe more dangerous than anyone I’ve ever faced. Time.

I ignore the possibility that I may already be too late. I burst out of my door, frantically looking left and right in confusion about which way to go. Deciding it best to make my way to the city center, I’m once again sprinting through the streets.
