Page 12 of His to Possess

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“I’m going to punish you now for all your sins,” he whispered, issuing a raspy growl.

His words were frank, stated with a controlling flair.

“I’m sorry?”

“You heard me. You need a firm hand,” he answered, sliding his fingers from my face to my wrist, dragging me behind him as he took long strides toward his massive leather couch. When he faced me again, his dark eyes appeared luminescent, his pupils dilated. “Remove your clothes.”

“What?” I felt like some misbehaving child, uncertain of what was wanted from me, guilt and shame rocketing through my entire system.

He let go of my hand, nodding slowly toward the floor. “Every piece of clothing.”

“Punish? What are you talking about?”

His upper lip curled provocatively although his eyes were deadly serious. “You told me that you needed punishment for being careless. Caustic. I’m going to honor your request. I’m giving you a very. Hard. Spanking.” The way he drew out the last two words, both stated in a husky tone, sent chills slithering down my spine.

I was floored, blinking several times as a rush of heat crept along my jawline as well as between my legs. I was actually aroused by the fact a man I didn’t know was going to give me a spanking. I’d never been spanked before in my life. I was completely conflicted, tingling from the thought even as my mind rebuffed the concept altogether. I was a strong woman, taking zero shit from anyone.

“I’m very serious. The punishment fits the crime. Don’t you agree, Kathleen?” He reached for the buckle on his belt, his eyes never leaving me as he unfastened it in a slow and seductive manner.

Crime. Punishment. My thoughts were all over the place, shifting from scratching out his eyes to obeying him. For a fleeting moment, I could swear this had occurred before. In the end, I was barely aware my trembling hands had slid down the front of my dress, tugging at the silky material.

Obey me.

Blinking, I swayed on my feet, staring at the belt.

Another smile curled on his lips as he jerked the first few inches of the thick leather strap from the tight loops. “I always discipline a woman completely naked. The pain should be felt without the confines of clothing.”

“Uh-huh. Yes.” Why the hell was I answering him or buying into this bullshit? Yet I slowly pulled the dress over my head, allowing the material to slide through my fingers before dropping to the slick wooden floor.

“Beautiful. Perfect.” His words were smooth velvet.

Now standing in only a bra, panties, and heels, I glanced at the bank of floor-to-ceiling windows, holding my breath. His apartment was housed in an old factory, the open air feeling expanded by the incredible number of windows located on three sides. I’d driven by the building dozens of times since moving to the neighborhood but had never given it a second look.

The trouble was he had no window coverings of any kind, the second floor location allowing other apartments ample view directly into his living space. I was mortified, utter embarrassment keeping my fingers numb and my heart racing.

“Now, Kathleen. I don’t want to have to tell you again or your punishment will be much worse.”

I snapped my head in his direction, trying to recoup some of my normal hard-headed personality. This… man didn’t have any right to command me. Sadly, when he had the belt completely in his rugged hands, running his fingers along the coarse grain of leather, I did the unthinkable.

I obeyed him.

Turning slightly, I unfastened my bra, dropping my head as I eased the crimson lingerie away from my body. After swaying back and forth, I kicked off my shoes, struggling to turn away from him as I slipped my fingers under the thin elastic of my thong. The second I pushed my panties past my hips, my mouth became bone dry, apprehension and excitement nearly tearing me apart.

I could feel his eyes burning into me, searing every nerve ending. I could also hear his heavy breathing, guttural just like the beast I imagined him to be. I kicked away the panties, shivering to the point my teeth were chattering. God, I had to be crazy, unhinged for doing this. What was I thinking? All the training I’ve received as an officer of the law had been tossed out the window. All my secure methods of remaining safe—gone.


And I was standing here.

Fully naked.

Prepared for a spanking.

As if in a hypnotic state, I walked toward him, entranced by the sparkle in his eyes as well as the belt in his hand. When he slowly sat down on the couch, patting his lap, I swept my gaze from his chiseled face to his broad shoulders, my thoughts turning filthy. And I continued to creep forward until I was merely a few inches away. My nipples were swollen, hard, and aching, the longing I felt extreme, the scent of my pussy juice tickling my nose.

Another round of guilt shifted into my system, but I knew without a doubt I wouldn’t resist.

Or couldn’t…
