Page 18 of His to Possess

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Another whoosh. I shifted, falling on my ass after swinging my arms toward the sound, getting off another two rounds. This time, there was no cry of success, only a fevered and very close snarl. God help me. I prayed my memory served me. The river was on my left, which meant the abandoned building should be just through this patch of trees. I’d never been one to pray, but at this point, there was nothing left to do. I knew in my gut I’d been able to get two shots into the beast, but it wasn’t slowing him down in the least.

Fuck. Me.

I took off running, my head nearly splitting in two. I could do this. I would do this. With no light of any kind, the trek was treacherous. I could lose my footing and fall over the steep ravines. There’d be no way I could survive the fall. As I reached for my flashlight, daring to take the chance, suddenly a flash of the moon appeared like magic, shining just enough through the trees to give me some perspective.

I could swear there was a building just up ahead. I had to be right. I had to be. There was no holding back, no second guessing. If it was an animal, the building might keep me protected until the other authorities showed up. In the next few seconds, I darted back and forth, concentrating on my breathing instead of the wretched noise. There it was, exactly as I remembered.

After fighting my way through heavy underbrush, I could just make out the corner of the building. Everything seemed to shift into slow motion as I raced around the side. A door. A fucking door. Yes. Yes! Locked. Fuck.


The hard shove I gave did nothing to jar the door and I felt the killer approach. I heard him. No. No! I had one last chance, or I would be the creature’s next victim. I reared back, using every last ounce of strength I had.

The intense growl was only feet away, creating a slither of vibrations dancing up and down my spine. The fucker was point blank. The next shot would be right between its eyes. The gun in both hands, I shifted. “Die, you fucker!”

While the shadows surrounding the abandoned building were significant, fear frazzling my mind, what I witnessed in the next few seconds was something that wasn’t a product of my imagination.

There was a second beast.

The roars and growls were intensely powerful, riddled with rage. One of the beasts was attacking the other. The monsters quickly disappeared from my line of sight, although the sounds echoed in the trees. It was now or never. I took several long strides away from the door, gulping several deep breaths before racing forward once again, launching myself into the air. My feet slammed against the door dead center.

And the last sound I heard was riddled with darkness.

And possession.

He was coming for me.

* * *

Run! Run!

“What the hell?” I yelped, struggling to crawl away. The visions were horrible, disturbing but the realization that someone stood over me was much worse.

“Whoa, hold on.”

I could swear I recognized the husky tone. Where was I? What… The bastard killer. Oh, no.

Coughing, I blinked several times, feeling for my gun. “I have a gun and I’m prepared to shoot.”Find the fucking gun. Find it.The figure standing over me was some hulking monster.

The second the beast turned on a light, shining the beam over his face, I was thrown into some kind of nightmare. Then I was shaken to the core. “Max.”

“Yeah, you’re lucky I found you. This building was padlocked and condemned for a reason. You could have killed yourself,” Max huffed, hunkering down. “Are you all right? What the hell are you doing all the way out here alone?”

Wincing, I struggled to move, thankful a hint of morning light was coming in through the open door.


“You heard me. Jesus. Fucking. Christ,” he spat, glaring with those damn deep blue eyes of his.

“I think I need to ask you the same question.” The gun now firmly in my grasp, I pointed it directly at his chest. “Oh, yeah, there are some questions you need to answer since I know you lied to me.”

He narrowed his eyes, cocking his head. “What are you talking about? How did I lie?” When I didn’t answer right away, he shoved out his hand. “Let me help you up.”

I avoided taking hold, huffing until I was able to get to my feet. “Just back off. We’re going outside then you’re going to tell me exactly what you were doing in these woods in the middle of the night.” The moment I took a single step, the pain shooting up through the ball of my foot pitched me forward.

And straight into his arms.

His grip was firm, the same devilish grin as he’d had in the bar crossing his gorgeous face. I hadn’t imagined the situation after all. I’d slept with the man. “Let me go.”
