Page 35 of His to Possess

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I could almost taste her.

The wolf was close to the surface, far too damn close. I fought the urge to turn, my heart racing from the rush, the frantic energy surfacing. The growl pushing up from my throat was no longer my own, but in those next few seconds, I willed the beast into his cage, rattled as fuck from what had almost occurred.





The count was all I needed to regain absolute control, furious I’d allowed my guard to fall. No one had prepared me for the extreme shift of need or the lack of willpower. No one. When I was completely in charge, I finally opened my eyes, blinking from the harshness of the man in the reflection. My eyes were no longer human.

They were canine.




I loathed storms, lightning and thunder always driving demons to the surface. At least the ugly storm had passed, leaving behind thick gray clouds and enough wind to bring a chill in through the old bathroom window.

The phone call was a reminder I was embroiled in a true moment of horror.

“Hello?” I yanked the towel around me, hovering in the chilly bathroom and glaring out the small window at my unkempt yard. “Hello? Is anyone there?” All I could hear were crackling sounds, which was completely abnormal. There were fiber optic cables close to my little house. I waited another few seconds before glaring at the screen on my phone. The number wasn’t one I recognized, but I was used to receiving scores of unwanted solicitation calls. “I’m trying one more time, asshole, and if you’re selling, I’m not buying. So, is anyone there?”

The crackling all but stopped, leaving silence.

Dead silence.

Not dead air, but the kind of eerie quiet that created goosebumps. Snarling, I ended the call, waiting for a full minute for the person to try again. Then I’d give them a piece of my mind. I finally slid the phone on the counter, glaring at my reflection, my pinched face highlighting exactly what I was feeling.


What I felt was rage boiling deep inside. I was more than just incensed that my captain had taken me off as lead. I was furious to the point I couldn’t think straight. Then again, I’d allowed an arrogant prick of a man like Maximillian to touch me.

Spank me.

Fuck me.

Tossing the towel, I grimaced as I stepped into the shower, standing under the steaming hot water as chills continued to race down my spine to my legs. I couldn’t deny our explosive attraction, or the way Max made me feel.


I’d never felt so filthy or wanted in my life. I’d also never felt the level of shame I had as when he announced in front of an entire bar he was going to spank me. I’d actually heard at least five people clapping. As if I’d deserved such an egregious action. I groaned, slapping my hand against the dense tile. I hadn’t been able to sleep, nausea finally kicking me in the stomach somewhere around three in the morning.

That’s when I’d resorted to a tall glass of bourbon. Even the smooth liquor hadn’t erased the cramps or the visions of the hard fucking in the middle of a dingy bathroom.

And I’d loved every second of being taken savagely, the few minutes dirty and unforgiving.

I had to be losing some of my senses, or my mind entirely. I’d sworn once that being with him wasn’t going to happen again and I meant it this time. We would be working together. Oh, goody. He would be… my superior. God! I couldn’t believe it. What had I done to deserve such treatment?

You almost got yourself killed.

Well, there was that. The captain had barked at me for thirty solid minutes when I’d arrived at the office. Finding out Mark had requested an extended leave of absence had been gut-wrenching, his medical condition potentially life-threatening. Then hearing the identity of my new partner hadn’t gone over very well. To say I’d expressed livid tendencies was an understatement.

Everything about this case was off, terrifying because I hadn’t been able to get a handle on the killer in any regard. I stood by my instincts. There was a calculating killer in the midst.
