Page 4 of His to Possess

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And he was a wolf.

“Let’s just grab information. I’ll know if he’s lying,” I said offhandedly.

“And how the hell is that, partner? You have a history with this dude?” When I didn’t answer, Logan huffed, “Fuck. You do. Is that why you’ve been so damn surly this morning?”

I had my reasons, the least of them having anything to do with an old friend like Stone. My visions meant far too many damaging aspects to my current life, one I’d worked hard to achieve. “Come on, partner. We have work to do.”

I adjusted my weapon in the holster as I climbed out, studying the expansive shop. I’d been shocked to learn that Stone had returned to Denver and that he’d accepted a position as a mechanic. I knew he was dealing with some shit, but I wasn’t a damn psychologist. If he was harboring a criminal, then his ass would be tossed in jail.

In truth, the fucker deserved nothing less.

Logan trailed behind me as we headed for the open bay. Every mechanic in the place made certain we realized we certainly would never be welcome in their establishment. They were all bikers, hard core in every manner, although only one other was a wolf. I shifted my gaze in the beast’s direction, giving him a commanding look. I was able to tell he knew exactly who I was and what I was capable of.

Ripping his head off without a second thought.

My reputation as a Wolfen remained solid, even if I hadn’t been an active member of the community for years. “Where is Stone?”

The entire group remained silent.

“I don’t think you want me to ask you again,” I said under my breath, the tone laced with darkness. I allowed an unearthly guttural sound to echo in the space.

One of the men pointed to what had to be the office. I took long strides in that direction, not bothering to knock. This wasn’t a social call. The second the door was flung open, Stone pointed a gun in my direction.

“Stone Keeler,” I said casually. The man had changed significantly since the early days, bulking up at least fifty pounds, his arms and neck covered in colorful tattoos. A far cry away from his days as a scholar.

“Maximillian Cordero. I knew you’d come a-knocking on my door one day,” Stone growled. He glanced up and down, disdain in his expression.

Logan looked from one of us to the other, remaining quiet, although his service revolver was in both hands and pointed directly at Stone’s forehead.

“I know you pay attention to the news, so you know why we’re here. I don’t have time for crap, so I suggest you tell me if you know where Brody Miller is.” I glanced around the shop, almost surprised the place was well organized, an updated computer system humming on the massive wooden desk. Stone was nothing if not professional.

“Yeah, I figured you’d stop by and no, I haven’t seen the jerk since he broke out. I wouldn’t harbor him if he did. I don’t allow shitholes in my place. Just a thing about me. Thought you knew that, Max,” Stone answered, finally lowering his weapon.

I hadn’t bothered unfastening my gun, knowing that Stone wasn’t going to shoot me, no matter the hatred we had for each other. He didn’t have the balls to face an entire Wolfen pack. “Not even a phone call?”

“Brody isn’t stupid. He knows I’d tear him from limb to limb.” Stone finally grinned, his eyes twinkling. The muscular, oversized man could certainly do it, even in his human form. Brody would have no chance at survival.

While the Wolfen were forbidden to transform into their beasts unless threatened, the Nightwalker pack had no such commitment. They followed their own set of rules, no matter the destruction they caused.

Danger lurked at every corner.

I nodded, finally turning toward Logan. “See if any of the others have seen Brody.”

Logan hesitated, finally sliding his weapon back into his holster. “If you say so, partner.”

I waited until he left before inching closer to Stone. “You better not be lying to me, Stone. I’m in no mood for bullshit. None.”

“You never were, Max, which is one reason you never stayed close to the pack. What a shame.” His grin pissed me off but now wasn’t the time or place to start a fight.

I could tell he wasn’t lying. For a few seconds, we both remained quiet even as the tension continued to grow. We’d once been friends, blood brothers in more ways than being a part of the Lycan species. He’d meant everything to me, part of the three amigos who’d ruled the city of Roselake with honor as well as vengeance.

Now we were bitter enemies.

“Just keep in mind what I said and if you do see him, you damn well better call me.” I yanked a card from my pocket, tossing it in his direction. As if the man would ever call me for anything.

We weren’t only enemies by choice; our two packs had required us to never speak again. The Nightwalkers were considered armed, dangerous and deadly to members of the Wolfen. They’d once been considered security for our pack, men capable of the type of violence the Wolfen abhorred. They still had incredible numbers, many now living in the Denver city limits instead of staying close to their pack. That in itself was unnerving.

“ATF. You certainly made something of yourself,” Stone said, laughing as he pocketed the card.
