Page 42 of His to Possess

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And there was no rational reason for me to say that except I knew instinctively.

I also knew bodies would begin to drop.

And I was suddenly terrified.



“You will be the king of our people one day, but you must accept the responsibility. Then and only then can you rule.”

My father’s words had been said at least a dozen times but until recently they’d been met with deaf ears.

I glanced up and down the street at the unsuspecting people living in what they believed to be a protected environment. They had no way of knowing they were little more than food.

That is if wolves decided to go rogue. I’d come to believe that was far too much of a possibility.


For Kathleen to come to that conclusion wasn’t surprising; however, I had to find a way to steer her in another direction. Fortunately, she had to leave for whatever meeting she had before she’d had a chance to explore the option, but not before hearing updates from the medical examiner. It wasn’t going to be long before the press gathered a hint of what we were dealing with.

I was actually shocked the Denver police had been able to keep the horrific murders quiet up to this point. My instinct told me everything was about to blow wide open.

I sat in my truck at the stoplight, unable to take my mind off Kathleen. She was absolutely beautiful in every manner, but her complete distrust of me was another aspect I’d have to deal with sooner versus later. I needed her. I craved her.

Her scent covered me.

I glanced into the rearview mirror, doing everything humanly possible to curtail the hunger. While she would have no way of knowing, she was intensely fertile, drawing me closer. I shifted in my seat, forced to rub my hand across my aching cock, driving my thoughts toward the images I’d seen of the murders.

The pictures of the victims were telling. I’d managed to snap a few shots of her computer screen with my phone, even taking the time to enlarge a few. The evidence would prove useful with the other pack members, as if I needed to convince them a wolf had gone rogue. What I couldn’t understand was the reason the wolf had placed the victims in a certain position after their murder. The ritualistic mannerism was unlike anything I’d ever heard before, but there certainly had to be a reason.

However, my gut told me that the wolf’s actions were more for the Wolfen and not for an unspoken ritual. My father would likely know. I was even beginning to fear an onslaught of the upgraded disease, its dormancy building strength and potency. If we found the rogue, his blood would be tested prior to his required elimination.

As the light turned green, I glanced at my two duffle bags. I didn’t intend on staying at my cabin for long even though initiating the hunt was necessary. And I’d made a promise to my father. I’d told Director Finley nothing regarding the change in my living quarters. There was no need for her to know. I would have enough time to drop off my things before the planned meeting in the town hall. I had to admit it would be good to see some of my old friends.

While I had a certain amount of guilt for breaking most of my ties, I couldn’t afford to reminisce about the past. There were too many skeletons.

During the remainder of the drive, I debated how much I could tell Kathleen. She would continue to dig into a trail that would only lead her closer to the pack. Whether or not she fully became my mate, now wasn’t the time to introduce her to the community, although protecting her from afar could prove to be difficult. She was highly skilled, and capable of defending herself. I would likely learn soon enough whether the rogue had his sights set on her. If he did, I would kill him with my bare hands.

I’d forgotten how lovely the small city truly was. The pack took pride in building a bustling economy, a city that was often visited by vacationers spending time in the mountains. As I drove through, I wasn’t surprised at the number of people who stopped on the street to stare, their eyes blackened from what they considered my betrayal.

My grip on the steering wheel tightened the closer I got to the cabin. I’d called Johnny, preparing for my arrival and as with everyone else, my caretaker had already heard about my return. I made the turn onto my long driveway, gritting my teeth. I’d had other reasons for leaving the community, not just because of my budding career or my disdain for the old ways.

The heartache had been too much to bear.

I shifted forward in my seat the moment the cabin came into view and I was so shocked a smile actually crossed my face. I realized how much I missed living here, the peace and quiet creating tranquility in my otherwise tumultuous spirit. From what I could tell, everything had been well maintained.

I barely had time to open the door, tossing my bags inside before turning around, ready to head in the direction of the town hall. The late afternoon sun was already shifting behind the mountains, leaving me with a bad feeling about tonight. I had a terrible premonition there would be another murder.

Before the morning dawned.

I grabbed several clips of ammunition as well as my rifle on my way out the door, my instincts on high alert.

The moment I walked back outside, I could see another truck parked in my driveway. I’d recognize the nearly rusted-out old Ford anywhere. Politics were a necessity it seemed in every community, including the Wolfen pack. My father’s warning about my old friend was coming to pass. Gregor Fenton continued to harbor anger at my departure. Now we were two men determined to rise in the rankings, grabbing full leadership after our fathers had retired.

Or succumbed to their old age.

Only Gregor had changed, becoming a brutal and unforgiving man, much like Stone. To think the three amigos had shared everything for years seemed like a dream. Gregor had gained followers over the last few years in my absence, pontificating about his abilities to the point the villagers believed he was more of a god than a wolf.
