Page 43 of His to Possess

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I walked slowly toward my truck, giving the man an opportunity to show himself. I could easily sense his anger and frustration at my return. The electricity churning in the fifty yards between us was intense, almost suffocating. Bad blood the pack didn’t need, not when we were facing a crisis.

I could see his pensive face, the way his eyes bored into mine even as another round of light rain began to fall.

He revved the engine, as if I’d take the bait he was offering. I wasn’t the kind of man or wolf to fight a duel, vying for top dog, a position I’d never revered. I simply wanted to hunt and capture the killer, squelching the rumors regarding some ancient curse.

Let alone ending the bloodshed.

I’d spent my entire life fighting for good versus evil. From what I knew about Gregor, he’d completely shifted his life, terrorizing weaker members of our pack in his effort to become the alpha. Perhaps I had spent far too much time away from my people, which my father had warned me could potentially harm our community.

Accepting the role would only add to the discourse.

I lifted the rifle, not in warning but a blatant attempt at some kind of solidarity. Gregor hesitated, idling the massive block engine before shifting the gears into reverse and accelerating. I glared after him as he rolled out, fighting the urge to go after him. A confrontation was also not in my best interest.


It would come as a necessity soon enough. The simple fact was, given his number of followers, I needed his help in order to develop a tracking party if we hoped for any chance of finding the rogue wolf. I eased inside my truck, waiting until the dust cleared before turning over the engine. How I handled this meeting would determine if I could gain any level of support.

For some reason, the drive was emotionally painful.

There were hundreds of vehicles parked near the town hall, every available parking space and the surrounding fields filled. Except Gregor’s truck was nowhere to be seen. By the time I found a space, it was well after the announced start of the meeting. I could hear my father’s voice when I finally managed to enter the building. I studied the faces of the others on the city council, their expressions oddly bland. Seven powerful men had successfully maintained peace as well as sanity for decades. Every one of them would soon vacate their positions.

How had the time gone by so quickly?

The group barely noticed my arrival, yet they were already fueled with anger and fear, tossing out innuendoes and questions in a fast and furious manner.

“Be quiet!” one of the councilmembers yelled before motioning my father toward the microphone.

I noticed my father’s slow gait as he approached. Only his eyes registered my arrival, happy that I’d kept my promise.

“We are here to develop a plan in order to locate the person responsible for heinous acts of violence. There are indications of an animal attack; however, a wolf has been sighted,” my father said in his usual commanding tone.

The initial hush was following by another round of insinuations. Another one of the councilmembers slammed a gavel on the desk several times.

“We will have order!” the councilmember snarled.

I inched closer, feeling the hatred and fear tingling every portion of my skin.

“What if these murders have nothing to do with the Wolfen? What if we draw unnecessary attention to the situation?” the voice called out from near the back of the audience.

“You know better, Markel,” my father answered, always using first names, his gaze shifting in my direction. “What we are facing is a situation that must be controlled immediately. You’ve all smelled the blood in the air and while the attacks have yet to be committed within our community, it is only a matter of time. What this wolf is doing could destroy our peace and prosperity. We simply can’t allow that to happen.”

“And how do you plan on controlling the situation, Blackhawk? From what I’ve heard, there is a curse placed upon our entire community. Even your…sonwon’t be able to help us.” The man’s deep voice and his utter disdain rocketed throughout the room, creating a wave of dissention, a solid two dozen people supporting his claim vocally.

My father had always been a stoic man, reserved in every way. He didn’t respond initially, merely giving his fellow councilmembers a quick glance.

The curse. How the fuck had this gotten out amongst the pack? I bristled, pushing my way through several lines of people. I could tell I’d been seen by a solid dozen or so, their expressions of contempt evident.

“Curse?” at least ten people called out in horror.

“The curse is real,” my father finally said.

The crowd seemed stunned at his admittance.

“And what about the disease? Are we all going to die?” I could see the young girl’s face who’d asked the question, creating another rumble within the group.

“There is no indication the rogue wolf’s actions are from anything other than his own desire and hunger to feed,” my father insisted.

“We will kill the bastard!” one of the men chanted.
