Page 6 of His to Possess

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Still, there were some who would call me a dangerous man—correction, a monstrous beast. I thought about my earlier confrontation with Stone, knowing my interrogation wouldn’t go over well with the other Nightwalkers, but my visit had been necessary. I’d never allowed a criminal to go free and I wasn’t about to allow that to happen now. I snickered at the thought.

While Brody Miller was still on the run, it wouldn’t be long until he was apprehended. If Stone was lying, he’d connect with Brody within hours. Stone’s mechanic’s shop would be under twenty-four-hour surveillance. He wouldn’t dare allow the fucker to come within two miles of the Nightwalker village for fear of my wrath.

I was ruthless in both my profession and my personal life. Others would simply say I had an innate gut instinct for my job, my hardcore abilities necessary in a profession I’d come to love. I took no shit, refusing to allow anyone to engage in excuses. Because of my fierce nature, I was considered a top notch detective, yet I alienated almost everyone I came into contact with.

As if I gave a shit.

Yet I was damn proud I was extremely good at my chosen profession. I collected human monsters with ease, shoving them behind bars of steel, stripping them of their ability to destroy any additional lives. But I was even worse.




Which member of my team would be required to hunt me down?

And they would if legends were to be believed, one day our kind would all return to our primitive state.

Then everything would change.

We had our share of enemies, certain factions of humans who truly believed in the prophecy of werewolves, although the term was one we loathed. There were also other species of wolves who would fight us to the death for superiority. And the legend lived on through the eyes of authors and movie producers.

I chuckled as I gathered a whiff of the light breeze. The wondrous stories told over copious glasses of wine grew larger than life with every telling. If the ancient scrolls and the myths were to be believed, we were only years away from that occurrence. Hell, no, not on my watch. I’d heard all the rumors about the disease that had brought us into existence rearing its dormant head, forcing us back into creatures of the night. Sighing, I closed my eyes briefly, my gut telling me everything was about to change.

On this dark and chilly night, I was on edge, much more so than normal. Although I was unaccustomed to giving in to my own nature, I was forced to admit the various fragrances from exotic perfumes to cooking oil were a pungent reminder my senses were highly sensitized and had been for hours.

The reason was simple—a beautiful woman.

All I could think about was taking her, tasting her.

Fucking her.

Ravaging her.

My true destiny.

I remained where I was, watching as one light was switched off, another turned on. She was preparing to exit for the night, leaving a warm glow to fend off would-be criminals. Little did she know the devil himself was hiding in plain sight. I pictured her kitchen, the exquisite yet stark appliances, so very much like the woman hiding behind the mask. I knew the layout of the tidy little space, every dimension and exit by heart.

And I’d never been inside the quaint single-story house.

As the swirl of clouds swept past the almost full moon, every inch of my body was alive. Every blood cell sizzling from extreme heat. Every muscle aching. Every tendon stretched to the snapping point. I was close to turning, but it had nothing to do with a ridiculous gothic myth, a grizzly ghost story told around campfires in the middle of the night. The full moon meant fucking nothing to our kind.

My entire system was tingling from arousal, atoms ready to explode for a reason that even I had difficulty comprehending. The calling was irresistible and would not be denied.

If what I felt inside was true, the electricity sizzling my senses to the point of combustion, I’d found my mate, the very one I’d searched for my entire adult life.

Only she was very human and completely off limits.

The text in the ancient book my father carried didn’t make any sense. I knew for certain. We’d always been told that Wolfen couldn’t mate with humans. It had been forbidden.

“My son, once you find the one who can soothe the savage beast, there will be little else you can do. You will not sleep or eat without thinking of her. You will do all you can to protect her, including losing your own life if necessary.”

“What if I’m not ready?”I’d asked my father all those years ago when I was barely eighteen. His solemn look had been telling. I would have no choice but to follow my calling.

“You are the future of the Wolfen. Do not take your destiny lightly. So many have died in an attempt to keep our pack together. You will one day lead us into the light.”

“But you’re our leader, Father.”
