Page 23 of Temptation

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Can you please pick up these things from the store after your swim?

Almond milk

That chocolate you like

My protein powder


Take the Range Rover. The tank is full.



I smiled to myself,reading his note again. I loved these little notes he left for me. I loved that he wanted me to get my favorite chocolate. That he’d made sure the gas tank was full. I was taking care of him, but it felt as if he was taking care of me.

I wandered outside and slipped into the pool, swimming laps until my heart was pounding and the ache between my legs had faded.

I closed my eyes and rested my arms on the side of the pool. Though the day was still cool, the heater kept the water warm. I was trying to take advantage of the pool, swimming laps daily because I knew this wouldn’t last much longer.

Over the past few weeks, Knox had been spending more and more time at the house. He’d been setting up his office, interviewing personal chefs. I got the impression he was trying to drag it out as long as possible. Part of me wondered if he was just being kind. If he felt bad for me since I’d confessed the truth about my mom and her cancer, and he was trying to keep me employed.

Not that he’d ever said anything to that effect.

In fact, the more time he spent at the house, the better I got to know him. The more I liked him. And that was dangerous.

He still hadn’t moved in, at least not fully. He stayed at the Huxley Grand every night, but he stopped by almost daily to work or use the pool. His designer, Lauren, was putting the finishing touches on the house.

I knew the placement would have to end soon. And while I told myself I was staying for the money, it was more than that.

I climbed out of the pool and dried off, wrapping the towel around myself before heading inside. When I passed through the kitchen, Knox was standing at the fridge. He was shirtless, the muscles of his back flexing as he lifted a bottle of Ultim8 Hydr8 water—one of the team’s sponsors—to his mouth. My own mouth went dry at the sight, and I couldn’t stop staring.

He turned, his gaze finding mine. I looked away quickly and hurried forward, desperate to pretend I hadn’t been ogling my boss. But I was going too fast. The tile was too slick. And the next thing I knew, my feet slid out from under me.

I windmilled my arms, trying to regain my balance. But all it did was loosen my towel. And I finally landed on the floor with an “oomph.”

Knox rushed around the island. My cheeks were on fire, and I scrambled to grab my towel and escape.

“Are you okay?” he asked, crouching down beside me.

My pride was wounded, and I was pretty sure I was going to have a massive bruise on my ass. “I’m…yeah.”

“You sure?” he asked, his eyes scanning me, lingering on my lips, my breasts, my legs.

The temperature seemed to rise by a thousand degrees. Maybe it was all in my imagination, but I got the impression he liked what he saw. Or maybe I’d hit my head in the fall without realizing it.

Knox offered me his hand, sending a jolt of electricity through me. He helped me stand, his palm lingering on my forearm even as he remained on the floor.

He stared up at me, his gaze full of longing that resonated deep within me. His jaw tightened, his nostrils flaring. And I wondered if he could smell my growing arousal. I wondered if he was struggling to fight this too.

When I wobbled, he placed his hands on my hips as if to steady me. I swallowed hard, loving the sight of his large fingers splayed over my tanned skin.

At least until the alarm chimed three times, breaking the spell.

I drew in a sharp breath, and Knox shook his head as if to clear it. He stood and handed me the towel. “Can I get you some ice? Or maybe I should call the team doctor?”

“No. No.” I shook my head. “I’m fine.Really.” His concern was touching, but if I didn’t get out of here soon, I was going to combust.
