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Stepping out of theshower, I headed into my closet, picking out a black suit for the night. As I got dressed an uneasy feeling started to creep over me. The house was too quiet. Eerily so. Shaking the feeling off, I figured that I was just being paranoid; we were safe out here. It was just knowing I was having a baby with the woman; I was going to ask to marry me tonight that had me so on edge. Was it too fast to ask her to marry me?


But I was sure of two things. One, I loved this woman more than anything in the world, and second, we were having this baby together. I wanted a family and everything that came with it being with Clarice. More than I’d ever thought possible.

Splashing on some cologne, I gave myself one final look and headed out of the bathroom, making my way downstairs. “You ready to go, my little vixen?” Checking my cufflinks as I called out for her, I waited for a response.

One that never came.

That feeling I’d brushed off earlier was back in full force. “Clarice?”

With no answer in return, I was now in panic mode, moving throughout the house, calling her name over and over again. “Clarice! Answer me!”

Taking my phone out of my pocket, I started to call Keiran, but a call from him was already coming in. The feeling I got deep in my gut was a bad one. Really bad.

“What’s happening?” I asked, still searching the house.

“You can come back to the city now. Seems Diego is finished with whatever the hell it was he came to do. He just boarded Santiago’s jet and took off.”

A feeling of dread ran rapid in my body like I had never felt before. I’d known that there was no way possible he could have grabbed Clarice, and then somehow made it to the airport and onto the plane that quickly, or without any of my men spotting her with him, but the timing was just too close. “Clarice is missing.” My voice felt empty of hope and packed with fear.

“What?” Keiran practically shouted. “When?”

“Just now. I went to take a shower and she came downstairs to wait for me, it only took me about twenty minutes, but she’s not fucking here, Keiran. I’ve looked everywhere for her in this...” My words faltered at the sight of the window broken by the back door that was cracked open slightly. Pushing the door open, I stepped outside, scanning the area for her, but found nothing. “Fuck!”

Turning to head back inside, I came to a stop, spotting a baseball, lying on the sand next to a bush. It was just the right size. Picking it up, I circled around. “Clarice!” I called her name out several more times, begging God for the first time in my life to make her suddenly appear.

Hearing Keiran yell my name through the phone, I brought it back up to my ear. “She’s been taken, Keiran. Her and my baby are gone.
