Page 40 of Ruthless Heart

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She raises her head up onto an elbow. “I breastfed until he was six and a half months, but it was tough when I went back to work, so I switched. He didn’t like that at first, but he’s used to it now.”

I suppose I should be glad he’s off the breast, since it makes him less dependent on her and makes her body fair game for me with no need to share it.

Yawning as I sit up, I draw in a deep breath. When I glance at the window sill, I see my phone’s flashing a green light to signal I missed a call. I rise and walk over.

Glancing down, I realize Aiden tried to reach me at two in the morning.

I unplug the phone to free it from the wall and call him. It takes a few minutes for him to answer. When he does he sounds groggy.

“Yeah?” he mumbles.

“Morning, A. How is it with you?”

“All right. The guy… he’s the brother-in-law of her father. Olivia’s dad told him about the statues. Guy claimed the dad didn’t send him, though. It was his own idea. And he tried to take the baby because he thought he could get cash for him. Says he heard Olivia got a lot of life insurance money and figured she owed him some since he has medical bills from a broken arm he got from me when he tried to get the figures the first time. I don’t remember breaking it, but I might’ve. He’s got a scar.”

“He deserved it.”

“Oh, yeah, agreed.” Aiden yawns, triggering another one from me.

“Where are you?”

“In a sleeping bag in the back of the truck.”

I grimace. “Did you try to come ‘round to the house, and we didn’t hear you?”

“It’s fine.”

Frowning, I shake my head. That call at 2 am was to ask me to let him in. And I slept through it.

“Sorry about that, brother.”

“No worries. What’s the plan?”

“I’ll drive the two of them back to my place in her car. Swing ‘round now, A. We’ll drive together.”

“Nah, I’m an hour away. I was on the hunt for a motel but changed my mind. You go back when you’re ready. I’ll catch up.”

“Aye, all right. I’ll talk to you.”


When I turn, I find the baby is done with the bottle and is crawling around the bed. Olivia sits up so she can capture him whenever he heads toward an edge. With his energy, wrangling him must be a full-time job.

After I set the phone back on the sill, I pull on my pants and fasten them while watching them. He’s cute as hell. My ma’s gonna go nuts for him when she finds out.

As I buckle my black leather belt, I’m reminded of the time I spanked Olivia’s pretty ass. That feels like a lifetime ago. She deserves a punishment more now. My cock twitches with interest at the thought.

Not yet,I tell myself.Not here.

After I pull my shirt on and button it, I walk out to the living room to grab the empty boxes. When I return, I start boxing up the rest of her belongings.

“I can do it,” she says, standing with the babbling baby in her arms.

“You’ve got your hands full.”

It only takes thirty minutes to finish because she doesn’t have much. She’s been living like this with my son for months, all while knowing I have an obscene amount of money I never spend. Crazy. The corners of my mouth curl down in irritation. She erased me from her life and made me nonexistent in his, even though they clearly needed financial help.

“Go say goodbye to your landlady, Liv, while I pack the car. I want to get on the road.”
