Page 76 of Ruthless Heart

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My fingers dance across the side of my neck. I’m not sure why, but lately I’ve felt a little self conscious about walking around nude. Liam has a tendency to scrutinize my body more than I’d like.

After I slip my shoes off, I stand to pull the covers back.

“No, Liv. Leave them. You’re not going to be cold. I promise.”

“It’ll be more comfortable when we’re tucked under the covers.”

He watches as I untie the laces on the side of the beautiful dress and slide it off. When I start to get in bed before taking off my strapless bra and panties, he stops me by sliding an arm around my waist.

“You’re not finished undressing, baby girl.”

I shiver. “I’ll finish in bed.”

Liam’s hand slides down my belly so his fingertips are resting on the front of the panties. “You won’t finish in bed, Mrs. Callahan, because your husband wants you naked now.”

Heat floods my pussy at his stern tone. “Okay.”

He steps back, but his hand unhooks the bra deftly, and it falls to the floor.

I draw in a stuttering breath as I slide the underwear to my ankles and step out of them. I lean toward the bed to get in, but he pulls me back.

“Turn around, Olivia.”

I do, slowly and reluctantly. His eyes feast on me as his hand cups my breast. With a thumb grazing my nipple, he bends forward and kisses me. I lean into him.

“What’s going on with you, Liv?” he asks as he slides a hand lower and a finger slips between the folds of my lower lips to stroke me where I’m already hot and wet for him.

“Nothing. Just feeling a little strange about you seeing me get more and more pregnant.”

His brow rises. “I can’t wait for that. You’re worried I won’t like the way you look?”

I nod, glancing away.

Liam brings his finger that’s just been teasing me up to his mouth. He sucks the taste of me from it. “You have nothing to worry about, Olivia. Trust me.”

My eyes flick up to look into his. “You don’t know that for sure.”

“Yes, I do. Lie on the bed and spread your legs. Arms up so your hands touch the head board.”

I take a sip of air and then do as he asks.

When he joins me on the bed, he kisses his way up from my pussy to my neck, stopping to suck on my breasts for a very long time.

By the time, he puts his cock inside me I’m restless with need.

“You don’t need to take my word for it, beautiful. I’m going to have a very good time proving that I’m right.”

I lift my hips to meet his as he thrusts deep inside me. As I gasp, I feel better. When Liam is confident about something, he’s never wrong.

As I start to reach for him, he shakes his head and grabs my wrists, pinning them against the pillow on either side of my head. That makes me groan and arch my back.

“There are some things I can’t do to you while you’re pregnant, but you’d be wise to obey me anyway.”

I nod, with my pussy starting to spasm.

“Good girl,” he whispers before he kisses me.

His hands slide up to cover mine, and I intertwine our fingers, holding on tightly. Which is the way I want us to hold on for the rest of our lives.

* * *
