Page 34 of Redemption

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Ourformssweepinon a silent wind, and a blast of heat sears my skin as my body reforms. I shield my eyes against the red sun, its glare nearly eclipsing my vision before I blink the red haze away.

“I really didn’t miss this place,” I say, glancing around at the desolate land. Thankfully, we decided to dissipate outside rather than inside the castle. Despite Linus’ reports that none of the dark gods had returned since the battle, I don’t trust it. That place just oozes bad energy. Romulus’ bad vibes probably stunk up the place—metaphorically speaking.

Lava bubbles in the distance, and a shiver runs up my spine. I definitely forgot about all the dangers we ran into the last time. I really hope we don’t have very far to go because this land can get treacherous.

“Me either, but at least we don’t have any vampire books this time,” Mateo quips, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

“We don’t have much time,” Kallen reminds us, pulling the map out of his back pocket. “The patrols will be running this way in an hour, so we’ll have to be out of the way by then.”

“My contact should be here soon,” Octavia agrees, placing a few stones into a circle beside her. “I’ll call them as soon as you three are far enough away. They only agreed to meet with Olivia and me.”

“Remember, you can contact me at any time; just say the word and I’ll be there,” Mateo says, placing a chaste kiss on my lips before he lets go.

“I know, and the same to you,” I say, giving Titus a pointed look. “We might be cool-ish, but if you let anything happen to him—”

“Yes, yes, I understand my oh so scary little sister,” Titus huffs in exasperation.

“We’ll meet back here in five hours,” Mateo says, ignoring Titus. “I don’t care what’s going on. You get back here, or I’m coming to find you.” His hazel eyes bore into mine, searing the words into a promise.

“Same goes for you.” I smile, grateful for my god of war.

Kallen and Titus turn towards the mountains and walk off, apparently over our display.

Mateo gives me one final kiss before he turns and catches up with the two dark gods.

“We can trust them, right?” I murmur, taking a step back to stand with Octavia as I watch the three of them walk away.

“Titus won’t let anything happen,” Octavia says, her lips quirking to the side as she watches them.

“That isn’t very reassuring.” Worry gnaws at my gut now as I focus on Kallen’s back, the red sun gleaming off his black hair.

“I know,” she says. “I’m not sure if I can trust him just yet.”

“Me either,” I sigh, watching until they fade into small specs in the distance.

And neither does Mateo, which is exactly why Linus and the scouts are watching over them silently and hidden away from sight.

I straighten the leather armor of my usual Infernal realm adventure gear. If I could just throw these out already, that would be great—not because I don’t like it, but more so because of the memories attached to it. The castle to my right sends memories flashing through my mind, and dread sinks in my stomach like a leaden weight. I glance down at my hands as though I can see the physical manifestation of my powers through them.

My attention drifts to Octavia as she puts the last stone in place, and I cloak us from anyone who may be watching.

Octavia murmurs a few words in an ancient language and raises her hand before her. Thick shadows curl up her black leather pants and around her arms draped in a thin, light linen shirt. A dark, ominous glow shimmers around the stones, a figure flickering in and out of focus.

“Delilah,” Octavia whispers as her shadows billow out around her, cocooning us in an impenetrable shield.

“God of Death,” Delilah whispers back, her blue face flickering in and out of focus until it solidifies.

“Yes, is it safe to talk?” Octavia chews at her bottom lip, nervously glancing around as though she can see through the shadows—which, of course she can.

“Yes, but I only have a few minutes,” Delilah admits, frowning back at us. “I was able to find the information you asked for.”

She brings a piece of paper in front of her face, and Octavia reaches through her portal and clasps it, bringing it back through with her.

“That’s a map from where you are now to where the princes are regrouping. It’s the old castle, but it has gone into disarray over the years.”

Octavia frowns as she reads the map. “I’ve never been there before, but I can get us pretty close.”

“You have to be careful though, Octavia,” Delilah exclaims, her eyes widening as she remembers she needs to stay quiet. “There are so many more dangerous demons lurking around the infernal realm now. There are archdemons everywhere looking for any lower-power demon they can spot in the hope to replenish their armies.”
