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“Huh.” Peter wasn’t certain how to follow up with that. He had no idea what Kaiser and William did before they’d opened the marine park. In truth, Peter was a little curious about how the brothers had made enough money to buy the land and build the park.

“What about you?” Pisces asked as he carefully pulled the lobster from the tail shell on his plate. Glancing at Peter repeatedly, he expanded, “You mentioned your grandma left you the house, so I’m assuming no grandpa or maybe one in assisted living? Siblings? Parents?” Pausing after cutting the lobster meat into several bites, Pisces focused on him with a look of concern. “Or did your grandma raise you?”

Peter chuckled as he shook his head. “No, my grandparents didn’t raise me,” he told him. After taking a sip of wine, he continued, “My mom did. Single mother after my dad took off when I was ten.”

“I’m sorry.”

Shrugging at the standard response, Peter admitted, “Mom was the best, and I don’t remember him much.” He smiled as he thought of his childhood. “She was smart. Didn’t try to keep the house, which she never would have been able to afford on her own.” As Peter stabbed more of the tasty, perfectly fried clam strips, he explained, “She found us a nice little condo in the same school district as all my friends, and that way, no yard maintenance, and there was a park nearby. Win, win.”

“She sounds like a smart lady,” Pisces commented. He dipped his lobster meat into the melted butter. Before popping it into his mouth, Pisces asked, “She still around?”

“Yup, still in the same condo,” Peter confirmed. Offering Pisces a mischievous smile, he told him, “And you’ll be expected to meet her.”

Pisces had just taken a sip of wine, and he coughed roughly for a moment. Placing the wine glass back on the table, he took a couple sips of his water. As Pisces got himself under control, he pinned Peter with an accusatory smile.

Unable to help himself, Peter snickered. “Sorry.” Then he shook his head. “No. Not sorry. I shouldn’t lie.”

“No, you shouldn’t lie,” Pisces muttered, his voice still sounding a bit rough. After another sip of water, he pinned Peter with a narrow-eyed stare. “So you’re close with your mother. Does she know you’re gay?”

Peter nodded once. “Well, bisexual, but yeah.” Seeing Pisces arch a brow, he shrugged. “I hate labels.”

“Understandable.” Pisces took a deep breath before letting it out slowly. “So, I get to meet the parents.”

Hearing the unease filling Pisces’s tone, Peter assured, “It’ll be fine, Pisces.” When the handsome shifter didn’t look convinced, he told him, “All Mom cares about is whether or not you treat me right and if I’m happy.” Peter leaned close, lowering his voice, and added, “And considering how your...kind behave in a relationship, that won’t be an issue. Right?”

Pisces’s smile slowly returned. “Correct,” he replied just as softly. “You know what you are to me, my mate, and how much I value your happiness and safety.”

Peter nodded. “Well, then. Not an issue.” He popped a fry into his mouth and smiled at his date.

Narrowing his eyes, Pisces murmured huskily, “Does that mean you”

Guessing what Pisces was actually asking—was Peter ready to discuss accepting their mating—Peter swallowed...hard. He certainly didn’t want to lead the man on. He also didn’t want to crush the hope he saw shining in Pisces’s beautiful hazel eyes.

Except, Peter knew he wasn’t quite ready to turn his life upside down and move in with a man he’d just met. He knew that shifters normally did things fast. He’d heard the stories. A couple of shifters would meet, recognize that they were mates, bond, and move in together.

Peter wasn’t a shifter, however.

Reaching across the table, Peter rested his hand on Pisces’s. He gripped him lightly, enjoying the way Pisces immediately flipped his hand and threaded their fingers. Peter offered the bigger man a warm smile.

“I’m getting there, Pisces,” Peter told him. After a second of hesitation, he told him, “I do feel the pull. I really do. And I’m not denying you.” After squeezing Pisces’s fingers, Peter tried to express his feelings. “I’m just...nervous, I guess. Jumping in with both feet has never been my style, and—”

“It’s okay to be nervous, my mate,” Pisces rumbled softly, pinning him with an understanding gaze. “You’re not the only one who’s nervous.” Scoffing softly, he smiled. “I’ve never been in a relationship, and I worry about messing up. Upsetting you.” Pisces furrowed his brows as he met Peter’s gaze. “Yes, you’re my mate, and I want you. Want you by my side, in my bed, and in my arms. But I want you happy, too, so that’s why we’re going at your speed, so we can learn about each other and discover what makes each of us tick and how to make each other happy.” Pisces squeezed Peter’s fingers again. “This is okay. You’re worth the time.”

Relief flooded Peter as he realized that Pisces understood his need for time.

* * * *

Sure, not having his mate immediately by his side was difficult for Pisces, but he got it. He really did. Peter was human, and even though he knew about shifters, it didn’t change his fundamental being.

My mate needs to come to grips with being mine, and he will. There’s no rush.

Pisces could be patient. He could give his mate all the time he needed.

“There is just one thing we need to be clear on while we get to know each other,” Pisces told him, rubbing his thumb across the back of his hand. “We’re exclusive. You don’t see anyone else.”

Pisces knew himself. If he scented another on his mate, he would hunt the bastard down and gut him. He could never share what Fate deemed his. It just wasn’t in his nature.

To Pisces’s relief, Peter grinned broadly at him. “That, I can promise you.” After another squeeze of his fingers, he stated, “No other but you.”
