Page 13 of Skittish Seduction

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“That right there, is the mate-pull in action, Nathan.” Kontra offered him a warm smile as he pointed at them. “Your automatic, instinctive need to care for Khan.”

“He was nude in a room full of people,” Nathan reiterated, frowning at them all. “You all shouldn’t be ogling him.”

Kontra chuckled. “No one but you, you mean.”

Nathan glared at the big man. “No one without permission.”

Nathan didn’t mention that he’d wanted to do more than just ogle the man. How could he not? The man he still hadn’t released was absolutely stunning. Plus, he cuddled into Nathan’s side, fitting there absolutely perfectly.

And why am I cuddling him? Aren’t these his friends?

Peering down at the gorgeous man, Nathan found him peering at him through his lashes. His confusion and ire at the others faded as he stared into his pretty gray eyes. Nathan felt his heart speed up in his chest, and heat flooded his veins. Having this man in his arms felt so damn perfect, and his instinct said to keep him there.

But why?


Nathan’s heart began to speed up in his chest for a new reason as confusion and disbelief began to flood him.

But that’s just crazy. I don’t even know him.

“So, can I get you a refill, Nathan?” Ryan asked as he rose to his feet. “I figure you’re gonna need it soon.” Then he smiled at the man Nathan held. “And what about you, Khan?” Then Ryan narrowed his eyes as he cocked his head. “Is there another name you’d like to be called by?”

“And why didn’t you tell us you’d started shifting?” Tim asked bluntly. “I mean, from the fairly easy change, Kontra has to be right.” He waved in the general direction of where Khan had been on the floor. “That can’t have been your first time since we rescued you.”

“You can keep calling me Khan. I sorta like the name. And you’re right. It wasn’t my first time shifting,” Khan admitted. After worrying his lower lip for a few seconds, he told them, “But it’s so much safer staying in my fur. I have teeth and claws, and my four paws can run me to safety so much faster than two feet.” Huddling even closer to Nathan, Khan whispered, “Being in human form is dangerous and scary.”

Concern for a new reason flooded Nathan. He rubbed his hand up and down Khan’s opposite arm, attempting to soothe him. “Being human is scary?” Nathan questioned. “What’re you afraid of, baby?”

Damn. Where the hell did that endearment come from?

Nathan couldn’t recall calling anyone anything like that in his life.

Okay. Maybe this mate-pull thing is real after all.

What the hell am I going to do now?

Even as Nathan waited for Khan’s response, he knew he would have a lot of thinking to do when he got home. Except, home meant letting go of the man in his arms. Nathan knew he shouldn’t have trouble doing that, but damn did he not like thinking about letting go.

Good grief.

“Hunters,” Khan answered simply. “There always seem to be someone hunting us.”

“There’s no hunting in these national forests, Khan,” Nathan stated, doing his best to reassure him. “Regardless of what form you’re in around here, you’ll be safe.” Khan stared up at him, disbelief in his expression, so Nathan added, “I don’t know how big the wolf shifter pack ruling this area is, but surely they wouldn’t allow hunters around them.”

That made sense to him, anyway.

Congo sighed deeply from where he leaned against the wall with his arms crossed. “Actually, we learned from Nick today that there could be a hunter presence in the area.” With a grimace, he added, “He said the current standing order for their pack was to never run alone and always make certain someone knows where they’ll be.”

“What?” Nathan scowled at the big male. “There’s hunters here? Have you notified the park rangers?”

Kontra snorted, smirking at him. “Where do you think we get our information from, Nathan?” He pointed toward the woods out the window. “The head park ranger, Declan McIntire, is the alpha of the wolf pack in this area.” Scoffing, Kontra added, “Hell, I got his permission to be here before bringing my guys into the area.” He shrugged one big shoulder, adding, “Politics.”

Nathan accepted the refilled glass of bourbon from Ryan and drank half of it in one go. As much as the rest tempted him, he paused and rested the tumbler on his thigh. He frowned at the rug-covered floor beneath his booted feet and shook his head.

“I’m sorry we’re turning your world upside down,” Khan whispered. “If I could’ve spared you, I would have.” After taking the bottle of water that Ryan offered him, he used his other hand to rub over Nathan’s chest. “I was just as surprised as you when I smelled you outside the pub and acted on instinct.”

Jerking his attention to Khan, Nathan asked, “You would have walked away from your mate?” He glanced between Kontra and Sam and saw that both sported disbelieving expressions. Nathan returned his attention back to Khan just in time to see him shrug one shoulder as he blushed. Shaking his head, Nathan murmured, “I don’t think I believe you.”
