Page 25 of Skittish Seduction

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After inserting the keys into the ignition, Nathan turned to face Khan. “There’s just one thing I want before we go.”

“What?” Khan twisted his hands in his lap, betraying his nerves.

Nathan reached out and rested his left hand on Khan’s, stopping his movements. Cradling the other man’s jaw with his right, he focused on Khan’s swollen bottom lip. He wanted a taste of that so damn badly.

“Can I kiss you?” Nathan asked huskily, his need and desire bleeding through his tone.

Khan’s breath seemed to catch in his chest. His eyes widened as the gray darkened a little, betraying that he felt the same burning need. His next words shocked Nathan.

“I-I’ve never been kissed before.”

Letting out a soft groan, Nathan asked, “Never?” When Khan shook his head, Nathan asked for clarification. “No man? Or woman either?”

“No one.” Khan’s face flushed, and he tried to duck his head, but Nathan’s hold wouldn’t let him. “Wh-What if I’m no good?”

“Oh, baby.” Nathan hated how Khan’s first instinct was to be afraid of something. “Not possible.” He vowed to help the sweet little man change that. “Let me show you how good it will be.”

Khan met Nathan’s gaze again, his attention roving over his face to finally settle on his lips. “Okay.”

That one softly whispered word sent a wealth of desire and need flooding Nathan’s body. The trust Khan was giving him, to take a leap of faith that Nathan would make it good, was such a rush. Nathan would do everything in his power to fulfill that promise.

As Nathan closed the distance between their mouths, another thought hit him, causing his cock to throb in his jeans.

If Khan’s never been kissed, does that mean he’s just as innocent in every area of intimacy?

Chapter Ten

As Nathan’s face drew closer to his own, Khan’s heart rate spiked, anticipation thrumming through him. He’d never had a chance to get close to anyone. Everything about his old pack was all about posturing and power, and it’d been so much easier to run rather than look for a connection of any kind.

Even sex between couples had been about power and manipulation. He’d seen other shifters go at it, then use the knowledge to gain rank or to blackmail, and he’d wanted nothing to do with any of it.

With Nathan, however, his handsome mate, Khan wanted to try... so very badly.

To Khan’s surprise, Nathan turned his head at the last second and nuzzled his cheek against Khan’s own. The light scratch of his morning fuzz sent tingles down his neck, and he gasped as the hairs on his arms stood on end. The move was such a shifter thing that his wolf rumbled happily in his mind, taking that as his mate marking him.

“Oh, baby,” Nathan rumbled softly, the warmth of his breath teasing at Khan’s ear. “I’ll kiss every inch of your body at some point, beautiful,” his mate whispered huskily. “And I’m honored to give you your first kiss.”

Then Nathan turned his head and pressed his lips lightly against the corner of Khan’s mouth in the gentlest of caresses. He lifted, then moved to the other corner of his mouth. Nathan licked along Khan’s lower lip before suckling lightly at the flesh.

Khan gasped at the stimulus, the play sending zings down his chest, and his nipples beaded, tingling pleasantly.

“Oh, yessss,” Nathan hissed quietly before finally sealing his mouth over Khan’s fully. Nathan dipped his tongue between his lips, teasing at Khan’s own. Pulling away, Nathan stared deep into Khan’s eyes as he urged, “Just follow my lead and enjoy, baby.”

Nathan slid his fingers up his neck and threaded them into Khan’s hair. Using the hold, he tugged the strands lightly, positioning Khan’s head a little to the side. Nathan dipped his head and sealed his mouth over Khan’s once more. Then he pushed inside Khan, using his lips and tongue to massage and manipulate Khan’s own.

Moaning softly at the exquisite sensations cascading through his body, Khan was only so happy to go along. He lifted his hands and gripped Nathan’s shirt. Twisting his fingers in the fabric, he clung to the other man, losing himself in the sensation of Nathan’s lips and tongue.

Khan felt his brain shutting down, and his body felt as if it went up in flames. His dick ached within the confines of his jeans, seeming to pulse and twitch in time with Nathan’s laps against his tongue. Fiery tendrils coursed through his veins, and he couldn’t stop from shifting his hips restlessly as he searched for... something.

Suddenly, Nathan tore his lips away from Khan’s, letting out a harsh groan.

Khan mewled, worried that he’d done something wrong until Nathan muttered, “God, Khan.” He stared down at him with brown eyes that had turned nearly black with his desire. “You’re so responsive. I want to suck you off so badly.”

Gasping, Khan stared at Nathan in shock. “Y-You do?”

Nathan’s nostrils flared as he swept his gaze over Khan’s frame. “Oh, yes,” he rumbled, his smile turning feral, telling Khan he must have liked what he saw. Then Nathan sobered. “But we’re sitting in front of Alpha Declan’s house.” His mate grimaced. “I didn’t mean for things to get so out of control or to seem like a cock-tease. You just respond so beautifully.”

While Khan hated that Nathan had to be the voice of reason, he understood. Even though his dick was hating the pause, he whispered, “I understand.” Untangling one hand from Nathan’s shirt, Khan smiled up at him as he reached out and traced his fingertips along his human’s jaw. “Thank you for my first kiss. It was amazing.”
