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“I wasn’t expecting to see you today.” I collect myself, sliding into my seat.

Papaw takes his seat, and when I glance over, he’s avoiding my gaze. Suddenly the pieces are clicking together, and I have a feeling I’ve been set up.

“I couldn’t turn down an invitation to lunch prepared by the best cook in the world.”

“Oh, Jack,” Mamaw scolds him, but she can’t hide the pleased smile spreading across her face. “You know I have to cook for my favorite football player.” Her eyes widen when she seems to realize what she said, and she takes her seat without continuing.

Papaw clears the air, changing the subject. “So, how’s your mom doing?”

Evidently this is the wrong topic as well, because Jack’s face pales and he begins fumbling with his silverware.

Well, isn’t this the most awkward fucking meal I’ve ever had.

I thought last night was, but nope. I think this one tops it already.

“She’s okay.” He pastes on a smile. “The divorce is rough, but she’s getting through. We’re getting through it together.”

“Gwen and Robert are divorcing?” I ask. Hell, it’s already awkward. I might as well find out what happened. “I can’t believe it.”

“Neither can we, really. I thought they’d be together forever.”

“It’s sad when that happens.” Mamaw reaches over to squeeze Jack’s hand. “I’m so sorry.”

“It’ll be okay. And everyone’s going to find out, I’m sure. So there’s no need to keep it all under the table.”

“Let’s eat, shall we?” Papaw passes me the mashed potatoes, and that seems to lighten the air as we busy ourselves filling our plates. Jack’s already eating since Mamaw fussed over him before we came in here.

We make small talk about people from school, and then Jack switches gears. “Are you ready for fall?”

“We’re getting there,” Papaw says. “Rachel picked out her pumpkin this morning.”

“Oh, we know it’ll be a winner, then.” Jack’s eyes find mine over the table, staying locked on me deliberately as he licks the gravy from his spoon.

My stomach flip-flops, and it’s not from being too full. Remembering that we’re in my grandparents’ house, at their table, I shoot him a warning glare. He grins, his bright, perfect teeth making me angry.

“I’m sure it will be.” Papaw settles back in his chair, rubbing his swollen abdomen. “I may have had one plate too many, Faye, but this was delicious.”

“It was so good,” I agree, smiling at my grandmother.

“Not many meals like this out west.” Jack sighs wistfully. “And you can’t find sweet tea, either.”

“Well, that’s an absolute tragedy.” I shudder. “Unsweetened tea. The horror.”

“What’s worse is that they think they have sweet tea, Rachel.” Jack shakes his head. “They bring you iced unsweetened tea with packets of Sweet’N Low. Which is fine, if that’s what someone likes. But man… it’s not like this.” He toasts his glass toward all of us before taking a long drink. His throat muscles flex with each swallow, and suddenly the kitchen feels ten degrees hotter.

I’ve got to get a hold of myself.

“So, what are your plans now that you’re home, Jack?” Papaw pushes his plate back, leaning forward on the table with his arms.

“I’m really not sure, to be honest. Just taking care of Mom, for the most part.”

“I was wondering if you’d have some time to help out around here through the fall. I always hire a few people to help with the hayride and the corn maze, and you’ve done it before.”

I have to be imagining the words my grandfather is saying. My head turns in slow motion toward him, and out of the corner of my eye, I see my grandmother’s doing the same. Even she’s shocked at this level of… nosiness? I don’t even know what he’s doing. But he’s up to something.


I know Jack’s looking at me. I can feel his gaze burning into my skin, but I’m focusing on Papaw and mentally urging Jack to decline his offer. Of course he’ll decline it; he has enough to do. And it’s not like he needs the money.
