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The moment stretches taut. Then Bax’s eyes dip down, moving to my blouse then up to linger on my lips. A different sort of hunger burns in their depths now. My breath catches.

He leans even closer and I forget how to breathe.

I should push him away. This is highly inappropriate! But I can’t find the strength to move, even as his lips come to brush against mine.

Shock and desire bloom inside me with such an explosion, I almost whimper.

“Perhaps you do have potential after all,” Bax murmurs against my lips. His gaze smolders as it travels down my body, then slowly back up to meet my eyes. “I look forward to witnessing exactly what you can…handle.”

Oh. Oh no. My face flames as his meaning sinks in. Bax smiles wickedly, seeing he’s gotten to me at last.

Before I can formulate a response, he steps back and straightens his tie. “Well, that concludes the tour for today. I’ll…review your proposals in more detail later.” The low timbre of his voice betrays the professional words.

I clear my throat, trying to slow my racing pulse. “Y-yes, excellent. I’ll compile some data analytics and revised organizational charts for your perusal.”

“I look forward to it.” Bax’s gaze lingers. Then, with a flash of his hand, a swirl of smoke surrounds me and then I’m no longer in his office. I materialize just outside his door, in the chaos we left behind in his wake. I stare at the mahogany, lump in my throat.

I release a shuddering breath. This job just got a lot more complicated. But I cannot lose resolve now. Too many souls depend on me succeeding.

No matter what unholy diversions Bax conjures to throw me off course.



The next day I wake up with tired eyes, almost as if I hadn’t slept all night. Despite living in the penthouse of a luxury hotel, I could still hear the wailing of damned souls emanating from the river of lava flowing nearby. Walking to the window overlooking Upper Hellfire Street, I yawn.

The skies are dark today, as they usually are. But this time there’s a certain trepidation that seems to seep down even from the billows of dark smoke rising into the sky.

And I know exactly why.

I get dressed, that trepidation coiling in my gut as I slide on my skirt and collared white blouse. I let down my hair today, opting for simple pins to keep it pulled back behind my ears and force a smile at myself in the mirror as I perch my glasses on my nose.

I have to face him again today. Bax Daemonus.

My heart beats unsteadily as I say his name in my head.

And it isn’t just his barely contained anger and cynicism that make me a little scared. I can handle that. What I can’t handle is what happened outside of that.

His scalding looks. The brush of his lips against mine.

Even when I know he hates my presence in his domain.

I shake my head to clear my thoughts.

He’s a demon. I have to remember that. And demons play games.

He’s only playing a game, Elara. Get with the program.

Finally ready, I grab my handbag and head to the elevator, grabbing on to the rail the moment I step inside and punch in G.

The creaky contraption immediately picks up speed as if it’s going to slam into the building’s foundation, but slows down at the split second I reach the ground floor. The first time it did that, I almost pissed my pants. Now, I step out like it’s just another regular occurrence. You’d think in a luxury hotel like this, everything would be top-notch. But this is hell. They have to keep you on your toes somehow.

Once my heels hit the bustling streets of Upper Hellfire, I’m reminded that in the heart of the underworld, life—or rather, the afterlife—goes on as usual.

Demons of all shapes and sizes throng the streets, their horns glinting under the eerie light. Infernal food vendors hawk their wares, the smell of brimstone burgers and cursed cakes filling the air.

Curious eyes watch me when I’m not looking. Some even stare without trying to hide it, but as I walk to the bus stop, I ignore them all. It’s so common now, even that’s become usual, too.
