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I let out a breath. “Thank you, I’ll remember that.”

Asmodeus gives an approving nod before gliding away. I feel bolstered after his reassurances. Having one powerful ally down here is a relief.

The morning passes quickly as I pore over ledgers and file reports. The work is tedious but satisfying.

At midday, I join some of my coworkers in the cafe, where we chat over cups of bitter, tar-like hellbrew. While most of the demons still regard me warily, a few are starting to warm up to me. I count that as progress.

In the afternoon, I draft up some new process improvement proposals to bring to Bax. The work keeps me focused and distracted from worrying about his reaction. Before I know it, the day has slipped by.

I’m tidying up my desk as the workday draws to a close when suddenly shouts of glee erupt from the nearby cubicles.

I glance up to see demons cheering and gathering around a huge Baphomet cake. I look around, gaze skipping from one demon to the other, trying to figure out just what’s happening.

Ragoth sidles up and notes my unease. “It’s our department’s 666th anniversary!” He grins. “A very special occasion!”

Cheers and revelry commence, the office quickly transforming into more of a chaotic club scene than a place of business. But all through the partying, I notice one office remains dark.

“Will Mr. Daemonus be joining us?” I ask.

Ragoth’s eyes widen. “The archdemon? Never. He despises such trivial events.”

I bite my lip, watching demons laugh and feast while Bax remains alone in his office. Making up my mind, I slip away and retrieve a plate holding a slice of the nightmarish cake.

At Bax’s door, I hesitate. He likely won’t welcome an intrusion, especially from me. But leaving him out seems wrong. I ease inside, eyes flying to his desk. It’s empty.

I roll my eyes at myself. Of course. I haven’t seen him all day. He probably isn’t even here. Glancing down at the cake, I shrug. I should leave it anyway.

For some reason, even though I’m alone, I tiptoe anyway as I approach his desk. Just as I place the slice down, a dark voice speaks.

“Are you in the habit of entering an archdemon’s private office uninvited?”



The sounds of revelry echo down the halls of Damnation Financial, seeping into my private sanctuary. A raucous celebration for an anniversary that means nothing to me. The trivial pursuits of my minions often baffle me. But then again, I’ve long since lost any fascination for the mundane.

I lean back in my chair, twirling a pen between my fingers. The darkened office is my refuge from the chaos outside. Here, I can sort through the mass of paperwork on my desk in peace. Fudge the numbers in peace and cause chaos in some other part of hell that I don’t care about. Here, I can forget the existence of the stubborn mortal who’s invaded my domain.


Her name rolls around in my head, leaving a trail of sparks in its wake. The thought of her, all fiery spirit and defiant eyes, sends a rush of heat down my spine. She’s a paradox, a blazing star in the depths of Hell.

I’m in the middle of reviewing torture quotas when an irresistibly sweet scent tickles my senses. I freeze, inhaling deeply. There’s only one creature in my domain whose aroma calls so tantalizingly to my baser instincts.

My door creaks open, and I tense.

My gut clenches. She’s here. In my office. Alone.

A rush of emotions sweeps over me. Anger. Desire. Confusion. But most of all, a sense of anticipation. It’s as if we’ve been dancing around each other, and the music has suddenly stopped.

I remain still, allowing her to approach. The foolish mortal likely assumes I’m not here. Unaware I’ve simply hidden myself with a basic incantation. Her footsteps draw nearer, accompanied by the rapid patter of her pulse. Such innocent nerves. Does she think her mortal stealth can evade my ancient senses? The notion is almost endearing.

The soft sound of a plate contacting my desk heralds her arrival. I wait a few more heartbeats, savoring her nearness, before speaking.

“Are you in the habit of entering an archdemon’s private office uninvited?”

Elara jumps as I swivel my chair to face her, revealing myself at the same moment, and her cheeks flush a delightful pink. “I…I didn’t mean to intrude. I just thought…” She trails off, her gaze dropping to the cake still partially in her hands.
