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Bax’s words hang heavy in the air as he leads me away from the grand hall. His grip on my arm is firm, unyielding, a clear reminder of the power he wields in this realm. The challenge in his voice sends a thrill of anticipation through me—mixed with a healthy dose of apprehension.

His long strides force me into a near jog to keep up as he leads me deep into the bowels of Damnation Financial.

“Where are we going?” I pant, nerves rising.

“You wanted to further your knowledge for your reform agenda, did you not?” Bax tosses over his shoulder.

I blink. “Well, yes, but—”

“Then consider your wish granted.”

We descend spiral staircases that seem to extend into endless darkness. The air grows heavy with brimstone and crackles with unseen energy. Strange symbols glow on the walls, casting everything in crimson light. This area radiates ancient power and feels forbidden for good reason.

I’ve only been in Hell a short time, yet I’m about to enter a place more forbidden than any mortal has ever seen.

My breaths come in hard, and I only realize Bax has slowed his pace for me when I find myself jogging beside him, instead of trailing slightly behind.

The further we delve, the more menacing the environment becomes. The air thickens, growing colder with each step, while the flickering hellfire lamps cast long, ominous shadows on the rough-hewn stone walls. The light fails to penetrate the growing darkness, making the abyss seem infinite and all-consuming.

Finally, we slow down a bit and Bax strides ahead, silent as a specter. And I wonder briefly how a big guy like him can move so silently. His presence is a blazing torch in the frigid gloom, a stark contrast to the chilling air of the underworld. He offers no explanations, provides no comfort, answers none of the questions bubbling up inside me.

Like why the Forbidden Library? What does he hope for me to find there? Is this another test, another chance for me to prove my worth or falter under pressure?

The silence stretches between us, the only sound the echo of our footfalls and the distant wails of tormented souls. Unable to bear the quiet, I muster my courage and break the silence.

“Where exactly is this library?” My voice sounds small and insignificant, swallowed by the vast expanse of the Underworld.

Bax doesn’t break his stride, his voice reverberating off the stone walls when he responds, “In the heart of Hell. But don’t worry, angel, I won’t let you get lost.”

His nickname for me sends a jolt down my spine. Angel. A stark contrast to the demonic entities surrounding us. The nickname is a stark reminder of our differences. But it also sparks a strange warmth in my chest. One that makes me more afraid than even the shrouds of darkness around us.

As we journey deeper, the tunnels transition from rough-hewn stone to reflective dark marble with inky veins that seem to writhe in the flickering firelight. Hellfire sconces cast our wavering shadows over the gleaming surfaces. The temperature warms marginally, yet a chill remains coiled around my spine.

We pass other demons lurking in alcoves - each one stopping to bow their heads in deference to Bax. But their eyes linger on me with unveiled curiosity and hunger. I can feel their gazes like slick, oily caresses, appraising me as an oddity or trespasser. With effort, I ignore them and focus only on matching Bax’s tireless strides.

After an endless trek, the claustrophobic passage opens into a vast cavern. We’ve reached the bowels of Hell, far deeper than any mortal was meant to delve. Bax directs us toward a structure carved into the cavern’s heart.

My pulse quickens. I guess this is it. Our destination. A towering set of double doors blocks our path, forged of bones and etched with sinister runes and screaming faces. Dark energy rolls off it in waves. Bax presses his palm to the stone and the doors dissolve to smoke, allowing us entry.

Ageless power throbs from the portal.

Bax turns to me, eyes unreadable shadows. “The Forbidden Library,” he intones. “No mortal has ever crossed this threshold.” His hand engulfs mine, sending an illicit thrill through my veins. “There’s no turning back now, little angel.”

* * *


Behind me, Elara gasps.

I turn to find her staring at the library, her eyes wide with awe. The sight brings an unexpected twist to my chest. It’s been centuries since anyone looked at anything in Hell with such wonder. She is looking at it with new, pure eyes.

For a long moment, she stands there, taking it all in. Then, she steps forward, her steps sounding in the vast silence. She moves down an aisle, her fingers trailing over the spines of the books.

“Well, angel,” I say, my voice echoing in the quiet. “Welcome to your proving ground.”
