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“Elara! Oh my gosh, it’s so good to hear your voice!”

My chest constricts at the beloved sound of my little sister’s voice. “Hey, Tessa! I miss you so much.”

“Miss you more! How’s the new job going?” Her tone turns hesitant. “Are you okay down there?”

I glance toward Bax’s office and steel myself. “It’s been…challenging. But nothing I can’t handle.” I inject confidence into my voice. “How are you? How’s school?”

Tessa launches enthusiastically into updates about college life. With every word, my resolve strengthens. I’m enduring all of this for her future, simple as that.

“Oh, guess what?” Tessa says after chatting for a while. “I applied for that study abroad program in Spain! Isn’t that amazing?”

My pulse quickens. The program fees are astronomical. “That does sound amazing! We’ll have to look at budgets and loans to make it work.”

“Actually…” Tessa lowers her voice. “Please don’t get mad, but I was kind of hoping you could cover the costs with your new job? I know tuition is enough to ask for already, but this is such an incredible opportunity.”

I stare sightlessly at the Hellscape out the large windows on the other side of the office. Already, I send all my weekly wages to cover Tessa’s education costs. But denying her this chance would crush her spirit.

“Of course. I’ll figure it out,” I reply brightly. Inside, my resolve hardens to a diamond. I will finish overhauling this department and secure a permanent role to access more funds. Nothing will jeopardize Tessa’s dreams—not even an obstinate archdemon.

After I bid Tessa an upbeat farewell, I stand and straighten my skirt with renewed purpose. For her, I can weather any storm. Even the burning tempest of Bax Daemonus’ moods.

Speaking of, the object of my frustration stalks by just then. As he passes my desk, surprise flashes briefly in his eyes at seeing me still here. Then his gaze shutters again, and he sweeps on without a word.

Fine. Keep ignoring me if you must, Bax. It changes nothing.

I came here with a vital mission, and I intend to see it through.



The work is slow going. Without Bax’s full cooperation, instituting new systems department-wide remains a challenge. But gradually, scrolls give way to spreadsheets. Quills and ink pots replaced by sleek computers and scanners.

The demons under Bax are wary at first. But as the changes smooth out the daily grind, I see spirits lifting. Simple fixes like an espresso machine in the breakroom are met with tears of joy. Apparently, the last coffee machine mysteriously disappeared years ago and was never replaced.

Bit by bit, the tides turn. My inbox fills with department memos marked “URGENT: Please Update!” Records that once took weeks to locate now take seconds. The benefits become undeniable.

Which is why I’m shocked when I receive a meeting invite from Bax himself. Subject: Integration Strategy.

After the petition incident, I’ve been avoiding Bax as much as he’d avoided me. For days, I’ve turned and walked in the other direction whenever I caught a glimpse of those elegant horns or the slightest boom of his deep voice. And I’ve declined his repeated requests to see me, citing excuses about urgent paperwork and deadlines.

Part of me knows I’m being petty, but a larger part is simply afraid of what Bax might say if we’re alone again. I can’t handle more rejection after opening myself up. And my track record for maintaining composure around him is…lacking.

So receiving a formal meeting request from him triggers my fight-or-flight instincts. Every logical bone urges me to make another excuse. But the professional part of my brain knows avoiding him forever isn’t sustainable. We have to work together, even if the thought makes my pulse race for all the wrong reasons now.

Taking a deep breath, I accept the meeting invite, heart pounding at the prospect of being trapped with Bax in his office. But I refuse to let personal turmoil stand in the way of the overhaul’s progress.

When the appointed time arrives, I smooth my hair and clothes before stepping into the lion’s den once more. This time, Bax waits behind his desk. There’s no trace of any emotion, just cool reserve.

Bax leans back in his imposing leather chair, tenting his clawed fingers. Fingers that had been pressing against my crotch, two of them slipping inside me. The memory flashes through me like a bright light and I frown, silently berating myself.

That had been a mistake. I need to remember that. It won’t happen again.

I hate him for it. I hate myself for dwelling on it. But more than anything, I hate I can remember how good he’d felt as he’d stroked deep inside me.

The memory haunts me every night, stirring a heat I can’t seem to extinguish no matter what I do.

“I believe it’s time we…revisit the overhaul initiative with fresh eyes.” He speaks. His tone is casually professional, but tension simmers beneath. His eyes, for one, flash as he stares at me. Does he realize he’s looking at me like he’d singe my clothes off again? “Certain changes might make things work better together.”

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