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I lunge at her, crossing the distance in a millisecond as I pull her into my arms. There are questions burning on my tongue, issues that need addressing, but at this moment, all that matters is that she’s here. But then, the reality of her rejection, the sight of her soul in a jar, resurfaces.

Elara looks up at me, her eyes filled with a mix of emotions. She takes a deep breath, steadying herself before she begins. “Bax…I didn’t leave because I wanted to. I had to ensure my sister’s safety, to say goodbye.”

I stiffen, my grip on her tightening. Her younger sister. The one she was putting through college. The one she’d told me about after I’d pushed her too far. I remember the pain in her eyes, the helplessness. It was then that I’d decided to pay for her sister’s tuition anonymously.

Elara smiles at me. “It was you, wasn’t it,” she whispers. “You paid her tuition, didn’t you?”

I shrug, trying to play it off with nonchalance, “I did what anyone would do.”

“But you’re not just anyone, Bax,” she says, her voice soft. She reaches up to cradle my face, her thumb brushing over my jaw. “You’re you. And I’m grateful, more than you could ever know.”

“But I didn’t come back just to thank you,” she continues, her voice firm, determined. “I’m here for a different reason.”

Her confession hangs in the air between us, a silent plea for understanding. I nod, urging her to continue, and brace myself for whatever comes next.

Elara moves her hand back, reaching for the soul jar.

“I made a deal with Lucifer,” she confesses, her voice trembling with the weight of her words. Her eyes never leave mine, holding my gaze with a desperate intensity. “I had to give up my soul…willingly, completely. There’s no chance of getting it back.”

I watch her, daring not to breathe. She’s giving up her soul? The very essence of who she is?

She holds the jar out to me, her hand shaking slightly. “I want you to have it, Bax,” she says, her voice barely above a whisper. “I want us to be together. I…I hope that you’ll accept it.”

Time stops.

For a moment, I’m frozen, staring at the jar in her trembling hand. She’s offering it tome, and I can barely comprehend it.

“Elara…” My voice is choked. “Do you…do you understand what you’re doing?”

Her eyes meet mine, filled with the same determination I’ve seen in it so many times before. “I do,” she says firmly. “And I want this, Bax. I want you.”

The jar feels heavy in my hand, heavier than any physical weight could possibly be. It’s the weight of her life. And she’s entrusting it to me.

And even though the thought of having something so dear in my possession thrills some inane part of me, I hesitate to accept it. Because this isn’t just any soul. This is Elara’s soul. The mortal who took me to my knees. The only mortal I’ve ever and will ever want with every fiber of my being.

I must warn her. Protect her.

“Elara, this is… this is a huge sacrifice,” I say, my voice barely above a whisper. “Your soul…it’s the most precious thing you have.”

She nods, tears glistening in her eyes. “I know,” she replies softly. “And I’m giving it to you, Bax. Because I…love you.”

I can hardly breathe, her words echoing in my head.She loves me. She’s willing to give up her soul for me. The realization is overwhelming.

The jar feels warm in my hand, pulsing with a life of its own. I look up at Elara, her eyes brimming with hope and fear. The decision lies with me now, the fate of our future hanging in the balance.

Before she can say more, I clutch her to me, cutting her off. Her sacrifice, her willingness to give up everything for me, leaves me speechless. I hold her close, hoping I’m not dreaming. Despite everything, she’s here. She’s chosen me. And for now, that’s all that matters.

I pull away from her slightly, just enough to look into her eyes. The intensity of her gaze is nearly too much to bear. I can see her love for me, her unwavering determination, and it leaves a lump in my throat.

I was wrong before.

I don’t want her hatred. I want this. The all-consuming fire in her eyes. Her love, so pure and fierce. It’s more potent than any hatred could ever be. It’s terrifying and beautiful, and I want it. I want her.

I swallow hard. How did I get so lucky? To have someone love me so much, they’d willingly offer up their soul for me?

“I was wrong, Elara,” I admit, my voice barely more than a whisper. “I don’t want your hatred. I don’t need it. What I want…what I need…is this. Isyou.”

My gaze drops to the jar in my hand, her soul pulsing gently within. The weight of her decision is overwhelming, humbling.

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