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I startle. Right. My proposal.Focus!

“I have a proposal—”

“So you’ve said.” His voice dips, annoyance hardly concealed.

I swallow away my nervousness and push forward. “Yes, my proposal outlines—”

“Hmm, perhaps we could visit it later.” His tone suggests the opposite. With that, he pushes open a mahogany door. “After you.”

I blink. His office again? We’ve come full circle.

As the door shuts behind us, I slowly turn to face him. Bax stands just inside the door and says nothing, waiting expectantly.

Wetting my dry lips, I venture, “Um…my proposal has all the details. I prepared it specifically, outlining all the steps we—”

“Gradual adjustments are best.” Firelight plays over the panes of his face. “You have only just arrived. We can visit your…proposal tomorrow.”

Despite myself, I tamp down frustration. Lucifer specifically mandated that I begin implementing changes the moment I arrive. I don’t know what the punishment is for disobeying the Devil, but it has got to be worse than anything Bax Daemonus would throw my way.

Sensing my irritation, Bax smiles without humor. “Patience, little angel. All in due time.”

The amused endearment grates. I’m no closer to proving myself than when I started this wasted day. Dammit.Fine.

As Bax continues scrutinizing me with that penetrating stare, I lift my chin. “I will have the presentation ready for you tomorrow.”

His brows flicker at my tone. A smile teases his lips, more genuine this time. “Such spirit. I begin to see why they sent you.” His voice drops intimately. “But spirit alone cannot protect you here, Elara.”

I’m suddenly hyperaware of his proximity, his overwhelming masculine presence. Dangerous thoughts I dare not entertain.

Clearing my throat, I step back and my shoulders hit the mahogany door. “Will I be assigned a workspace soon?”

When I look up, I wish I hadn’t.

The archdemon is staring at me in that way that makes it feel like he’s looking straight into me. As if his gaze is heating every inch of my skin and he can see me bare. As if he would consume me whole until there is nothing left.

“Yes,” he finally says after a few charged moments. “Of course. Asmodeus!”

With that bark, Bax turns away from me and heads to the seat behind his desk, putting distance between us. I can breathe easier.

There’s a knock at the door behind me and I ease off it as it creaks open and a tall, slender demon slips gracefully into the office. Asmodeus.

He cuts a refined figure in his impeccably tailored black suit that accentuates his lithe frame. Wavy black hair cascades over his shoulders almost blending in with the base of his obsidian horns that spiral back from his temples. His dark red, ageless face holds an almost ethereal beauty. Aboveworld we’re taught demons are ugly. So far, I’ve only been seeing the opposite.

Piercing red eyes alight on me immediately with undisguised curiosity as Asmodeus glides farther into the office. He ignores me completely though, turning his focus solely to Bax.

“You asked for me, my malevolent majesty?” His melodic voice is polite and professional.

Bax remains seated behind his imposing desk, expression serious. “See to it the mortal has a place to sit.”

“Of course, sir. Right away.” Asmodeus gives a polite nod.

Bax flicks a dismissive hand. “Very well. Carry on.”

Dismissed again, but feeling a bit less adrift, I make my exit following behind Asmodeus. As the door closes behind me, I lean briefly against the cool mahogany.

One day down in Hell. It’s sure to only get stranger and more challenging from here.

I allow myself a small, victorious smile. Only 181 days to go.

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