Page 29 of Velvet & Sins

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“Fucking fuuuuuuuck!” Christian shouted on top of his lungs, emptying himself inside of me, his cum shooting out, warming me up.

I couldn’t stop shaking as my own orgasm coated the walls of Evelyn’s pussy, and the need to mark her, to fucking breed her, to make her ours made my orgasm so much longer than ever before.

My body was spent, and as she sagged against me, pressing me down onto Christian, both him and I moaned, his dick still twitching inside of me. Weightless, I stayed there, my arms wrapped tightly around Evelyn, while Christian’s wrapped around me, all three of us trying to catch our breaths.

“So,” Evelyn started, slowly lifting her head and looking at me, then at Christian, “breakfast?”



Somewhere between yesterdayand this morning, I realized that I loved Cillian and was also slowly falling for Evelyn.

I have never met a person like her—so full of life, but at the same time so sad from everything that has happened to her, and I wished I could go back to Croyford Bay just to kill her ex-husband with my bare hands. I tried to imagine what it must have been like for her, living in fear, with the constant terror that her husband would flip and hit her, that her life could end before it ever truly began. My fists tightened in my lap as I watched her and Cillian sitting around the table, slowly eating without either one of them talking.

I needed them to talk, because if they didn’t I would do something insane, like kill Cillian’s brother and torture her ex-husband.

Both of them tried to hide their misery, their sadness and pain, but I’ve spent enough time reading people to know that the little smiles they were trying to push forward were nothing more than a mask, meant to reassure other people.

How many times did both of them fake happiness just not to worry those that should’ve seen through the mask? I'd been around Cillian for long enough to know that it was his default setting, but I never thought I would meet someone like Evelyn, someone that was so similar to my best friend, to the man I loved. My chest tightened at the mere thought of her being hurt—hell, of either of them being hurt.

When I saw Cillian on that cold, hard ground last night, I practically lost it, the worst possible thoughts rushing through my mind. I thought his brother had hurt him. I thought I was about to lose him before ever being able to tell him how I really felt.

I recognized the spiral in his eyes when he stood up after that girl left, and I knew he blamed himself. I didn’t have to have a PhD in Psychology to see how much he struggled, because he believed it was his fault his brother fell this deep down the rabbit hole and couldn’t get out.

But what Cillian didn’t know was that Tristan always did whatever the fuck he wanted. Him and Ava, as the two youngest ones, were always allowed to do whatever the fuck they wanted to do, because no one expected them to take over the empire, like it was expected of Cillian and Kieran.

I would be lying if I said that him running away from me after I'd sucked him dry didn’t hurt, but I knew it was a risk, and I’m glad I did it. The mere memories of him riding me, while Evelyn rode him, still lived in my mind, and my dick stirred in my pants, coming back to life as I watched over the two of them, looking for signs of regrets or anything that could shatter this momentary peace we had.

But nothing was there.

Evelyn’s skin glowed after the shower all three of us had taken together, and Kill watched her like a hawk, monitoring her every move. I would’ve felt jealous if it wasn’t for the fact that I started understanding how he felt. He submitted to us in that bedroom, but out here, in the real world, he needed to have control, and I knew he was afraid that she would bolt.

“These are so fucking good,” she moaned around the mouthful of strawberry pancakes, and something akin to pride brimmed inside my chest, loving the fact that she enjoyed what I'd made for her. “If you made these for me on a daily basis, I don’t think I would ever leave.”

And there it was.

The elephant in the room.

We could sit here, pretending that everything was normal, but the three of us were as far away from normal as you could get.

We'd snatched her from her life, well, Cillian had snatched her away from her life, and for whatever reason, she wasn’t kicking and screaming, demanding to be let go. Some would even argue that she was as insane as Cillian and me, and I wouldn’t fault them.

But she belonged here with us, in this penthouse that was Cillian’s home. Hell, all of us belonged here, and I just hoped I could convince them that what we'd done wasn’t just a one time thing. When I woke up from my nap, after falling asleep between Cillian and Evelyn, her lips on my cheek were the first thing I felt, with her hands rubbing over my chest.

I didn’t think twice before pinning her next to the sleeping Cillian and devouring her mouth, feeding my soul with the little moans erupting from her lips. And when she started playing with him, waking him up, I knew she was perfect for us.

I just hoped Cillian would think that I was perfect for them as well, because I couldn’t go through life lying to myself anymore, lying to him, when I felt more for this man than for anybody else in my entire life.

He was my family–he always was–and as someone that had grown up as an orphan, moving from one home to another because nobody wanted to deal with a kid who'd seen the murder of his parents, the kid that didn’t know how to express his feelings if it wasn’t through fighting, having Cillian and having a family was something I always wanted to have.

But before Evelyn I was too much of a coward to voice it out.

I looked at Cillian, unable to keep my eyes from him for another second, but he did everything possible to keep his eyes off of me. Was he ashamed of what we did? Was it just a moment of weakness?

It couldn’t have been, because I know what I'd seen in his eyes. I know that he felt something for me as well, and I wasn’t going to run away just because he didn’t want to talk about it.

Evelyn moaned and laughed, eating her breakfast, while Cillian and I just stood there, looking at her like two love-struck fools, reveling in the little sounds she made. The mood was light, but on the edges the darkness waited, pushing through the barriers we'd erected, hoping to live in this little bubble for just a little bit longer.
