Page 43 of Velvet & Sins

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It was the one year anniversary of our relationship and we'd decided to fly to Europe to celebrate, finding the perfect spot in Croatia, far away from everything. Nobody knew who we were here, and the Kanegra Camping proved to be the best place for all three of us. The little bungalows located in the middle of the forest, right in front of the beach, were more than I could imagine. The pine trees surrounding the area enveloped us in the fresh air the moment we passed through the gates after our check-in at the tiny reception at the very entrance. And when Evelyn saw the little bungalow, overlooking the sea and Maribor, the city in Slovenia, she all but squealed, jumping first on me and then Cillian.

I would like to say that life returned back to normal after we dealt with Tristan, but I’d be lying. It took us a good couple of months to get over the fact that Evelyn was almost killed, that Cillian’s brother was the one behind it. Cillian didn’t deal very well with the fact that Tristan would have destroyed what little peace the three of us found.

The scars and bruises on Evelyn’s skin healed, but the ones running deep underneath her skin were still present. Even a year after the whole ordeal, we still caught her lost in her thoughts, rubbing her ankle, while the demons of the past danced in her eyes.

But since we came here, since we practically ran away from Velvet City, the demons were less present, and she seemed to be having fun. But that didn’t mean I stopped worrying. If anything, waking up without the two of them next to me had me worrying even more.

I jumped up from the bed, stretching as soon as my feet hit the cool floor, my eyes locating my shorts that were haphazardly discarded last night as we'd practically attacked each other. Evelyn was insatiable lately, needy, and I would be lying if I said that I didn’t like it. Cillian had finally let go of all his reservations, letting us love him how he deserved to be loved.

His relationship with his brothers was still up in the air, but at least he and Kieran spoke after he sent Tristan to St. Lucia, the psychiatric institution where we all hoped they’d be able to help him. The problem was that Cillian never wanted to talk about his brother, and Evelyn and I didn’t want to push. At least not right now when it seemed that he was doing so much better.

A couple of months after the attack, Cillian stopped drinking altogether, which shocked both Eve and me. But we were both happy to see that he tried healing from the past traumas, leaving behind the vices he clung onto to help him get through the day.

I walked toward my shorts and pulled them on, deciding to find the two of them. I couldn’t hear a sound coming from outside the bedroom, but I tried not to think of the worst possible scenario. I knew it was irrational immediately thinking that something was wrong, but ever since that day I couldn’t help myself needing to know where they were at all times. We hadn't had any other threats in a very long time, but Evelyn’s kidnapping shook me more than I wanted to admit, and I would never tell them how hard it was going through the day, thinking that something would happen to her or Cillian if I wasn’t there to protect them.

The doors squealed as I pushed them open, and the smell of fresh bacon, coffee and eggs assaulted my senses. Following the smell, I walked toward the kitchen where Evelyn stood at the stove, her perky little ass jiggling to the rhythm of the music blasting through the bluetooth speaker, while Cillian gazed lovingly at her, sipping his coffee at the table. His eyes flicked to me, smirking at the open mouthed stare on my face, when Evelyn turned around, grinning from ear to ear.

“Look who finally decided to get up,” she laughed, moving the skillet from the stovetop, and sliding the perfectly made omelet onto a plate. She crossed the distance between us within seconds, pressing her lips to mine in a chaste kiss, leaving me wanting for more. “Sleep well?”

“Uh, yeah,” I murmured, my body coming alive from the scent of her, from the look in Cillian’s eyes. She placed a third plate on top of the table and sat down next to Kill who kept on grinning like a Cheshire cat, happy and content.

I rounded the table and walked toward him, pressing my lips to the crown of his head, lingering for longer than necessary. I'd missed them both in bed, but seeing that they were happy and safe relaxed the little monster threatening to erupt from my chest, and I sat down, pulling my plate closer to me.

“You guys are up early,” I said, looking at them. They were grinning, looking at each other as if they knew something I didn’t, and I did not like it. Not one bit.

“What is going on?” I asked carefully, taking a piece of bacon from the plate in the middle of the table, my eyes flickering from Cillian to Evelyn. They looked at each other, then at me, giggling like two schoolgirls, irking me even further.

“Should we tell him?” Cillian asked her, chuckling, his eyes twinkling under the morning sun. “Maybe you should tell him.”

“I don’t know,” Evelyn murmured, looking at me. “Do you think he would like it?”

“I think he would like it very much.”

“Guys!” I thundered, unable to take it anymore. “Just tell me for fuck’s sake. I can’t stand this giggling and secretive looks. Tell me what?”

Tension lingered in the air, rolling off of me in waves, but the two of them looked happy, content even, and I had no idea what was going on. I hated surprises, hated not being in the know, and the fact that there was something they were hiding from me didn’t sit well with my irrational need to have control over everything.

Birds chirped outside, singing their own song, but it all fell on deaf ears since my entire focus was on the two of them. We’ve been here for a couple of days now, enjoying soaking in the sun, and all three of us have already gotten a healthy tan—Evelyn more so than us, and it suited her well. She practically glowed sitting across from me, her hands wrapped around a cup filled with orange juice.

“Eve,” I grumbled. “Tell me, please.”

“I’m not sure if you’re going to like it, but I hope you will. I really, really hope you’ll like it.”

Jesus fuck, they were killing me.

Cillian stood up and walked behind Evelyn, placing his hands on her shoulders, looking down at her with admiration and love I have never seen on his face before. It was unnerving seeing it, the love he had for her, for me, and when our eyes met, unspoken words lingered in the air.

We were a family, the three of us. We didn’t need some silly marriage paper to know that this was it, that we were going to stay together forever, because I knew that all of us would work on making it happen.

I took another piece of bacon and put it in my mouth, when Evelyn blurted out, “I’m pregnant!”

My eyes widened, a sharp intake of air sent the bacon down the wrong pipe, and before short, I was choking, unable to breathe, trying to cough out the piece that was stuck. Cillian ran behind me, hitting me on my back, but nothing was helping. Evelyn kept on laughing, pushing a glass of water toward me, and with fast chugs I managed to push the offending peace of bacon down, swallowing heavily.

My chest rose and fell with deep breaths, my mind trying to comprehend what she just said.

“You’re… pregnant?” I choked out, slowly lifting my head to look at her. Nerves danced across her face, her teeth chewing on her bottom lip as she waited for me to say something. But I was shocked, unable to form a proper sentence.

A baby?
